Congratulations!!! You finial make the decision to purchase the house. But as I told you before and I remind you tonight on the phone: I am your exclusive authority of Buyer’s agent. You had signed the buyer Representation Agreement with me during the period time with 2.5% of the sale price of commission. If you ignore obligation of this contract, if you listen someone told you to ignore this contract for whatever reasons, that is morally and legally wrong.
You definitely have rights and time to make your purchase agreement correctly. Just told them you have a realtor works for you. Bring me with you to that office and let them give me some remedy. You could tell the seller:” if you don’t give out commissions I would not buy with this price. Please give them the writing paper including the conditions of buyer agent commission, for example 2%…
A lot of agreement run out of time, trust me, and come back if both side feel sincerely. The seller always take advantage of the buyer. The area detached house sale for $550000, the sale person must be thrill to got this deal as he can make double commission with your prices.
Post by NO NAME;2304751
Post by marylee123;2303898