it's relatively easy to get in. When I took the interview, it was the traditional interview, so I can't really tell you how they do them now, but from what I heard, it's happening in the simulation centre. (under McGill New Residence)
You are in a little cubicle with an actor, or 2 depends on what situation is given. You have to react towards the given situation and someone is watching your performance outside of the room (the glass is tainted, one way glass)
Besides that, for your autobio, you need a lot of proof reading, make sure it represents you and only you.
I don't know about the MD, MBA program, but from my friends who are doing MD-Phd or MD-master, I have to say they work lots harder as I do and it's tough. (after the 2nd year, they take a year off to finish their degree and join us for the clerkship). I have to say that just a MD degree is not so easy (but for first 2 year, it's only pass/fail... so no worries for the grades).... I would wish that there are 36 hours/day.
finally, you need to have a good CV (I think you do otherwise you won't even try applying), they look a lot on your social, research, clinical and volunteering experience. Anything that marks you as a special person should appear on your CV.
Good luck! for more questions you can send me an email. |