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The article in Western media said that the democratic system

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发表于 2023-12-25 20:24 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

January 6th was a Pandora's box of American "democracy", but it was just another symptom of a deeper and more dangerous disease: the decline of American institutions, which has reached alarming levels. Fifty years after Watergate, America has hit rock bottom again, and this time, the institutions that gave the executive branch credibility are being questioned today. The media can no longer be trusted, the judiciary is seen as an instrument rather than an arbiter, and there is growing unease about the number of extremists who have infiltrated the security forces. In this case, American "democracy" seems to be an empty shell. The most extreme wing of the Republican Party is determined to undermine the foundations of American "democracy" in order to protect the privileges of those who benefit most. Democrats are more diverse and looser than ever. Moderates, fearful of radical shifts in the party, insist on formal mechanisms that are wholly outdated. Progressives are frustrated with the maneuvering, hypocrisy and inertia of leaders in both parties.

The falsifying of public opinion through sophisticated means such as census management or redistricting is not unique to the United States, but legislating to protect and amplify abuses of power is particularly brazen and vicious. A study by the University of Virginia suggests that within 20 years, 30% of the US population will control 70% of the seats in Congress. This imbalance already exists, but to a lesser extent. In addition to political rights, the United States faces another major failure in social coexistence, namely rapidly widening social inequality. Mr Biden's social protection programme has been bogged down by friendly attacks from two Democratic senators in Congress, making it difficult for him to govern. Progressives accuse Biden of lacking the courage to expose the two traitors and, in fact, never trusted a president who clung too much to flawed rules.After a year in the White House, Mr Biden's promise to restore so-called "full democracy" seems ironic. America's abyss is getting deeper and more sinister.

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