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发表于 2001-7-30 17:31 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
发表于 2001-7-30 17:43 | 只看该作者
Two machines sit side by side usually. One for cans, the other for plastic bottles. The plastic bottles can be the 2L one or the smaller (I think ~454ml) one.

You just put cans or bottles into the hole (don't put your hand deep inside it, otherwise...      ). The machine increases the counting number. When finished, press the button, you will get a receipt. Give the receipt to any counter clerk. He/She gives you back the money. That's all.

Remeber to use the correct machine. And if it refuses your can or bottle, try putting it again.

I don't know how to return the glass one. Anyone knows?
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发表于 2001-7-30 17:45 | 只看该作者
Two machines sit side by side usually. One for cans, the other for plastic bottles. The plastic bottles can be the 2L one or the smaller (I think ~454ml) one.

You just put cans or bottles into the hole (don't put your hand deep inside it, otherwise...      ). The machine increases the counting number. When finished, press the button, you will get a receipt. Give the receipt to any counter clerk. He/She gives you back the money. That's all.

Remeber to use the correct machine. And if it refuses your can or bottle, try putting it again.

For beer bottles, you return them directly to the clerk.

I don't know how to return other kinds of glass bottles (link the juice bottle). Anyone knows?
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发表于 2001-8-7 13:16 | 只看该作者
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