1)我的residence address是我现在住的地址吧?(我也觉得这个问题很小白...) You are right
5)我在到这儿来以前在国内大学读过半年,然后就办了休学出来了,但是没记得拿任何证明......有一份当时办出国用的当时在读证明(翻译了公证了), 还有一份走的时候的学习成绩证明(这份没翻译没公证),可是没有休学证明之类的...,填education的时候和他要求有certificates of study怎么办?...
初中当时国内没有办毕业证书公证,要不要填上去?还是国内的初中算在这里所说的"elementary school"里面?
from your university to your elementary school, you need send <transcript and diploma> if you have them
6)同学说起过好像要一份无犯罪记录证明? No need now, when you send your file to federal you need this, but most-updated record~
7)然后就是我银行账户里有多少钱比较好了...... more than 10,000 you could win one point extra because your financial situation |