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发表于 2017-1-30 10:38 | 只看该作者
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2017-1-30 12:42 | 只看该作者
ilovemontrealqc 发表于 2017-1-30 00:46
另外说一点,有个地方我理解的有错误,就是RBQ里的1.2    1。2 表示你有资格承包这个合同,你 ...

别动不动就说你的Contractor 如何说的,你的邻居又如何了? 在说相声吗?  就直接说你说的也没人会对你怎样了。 马甲多了会漏底子滴。
不论找谁施工, 事主先到当地市政府申请施工许可。 你不见你家邻居施工期间将许可证贴在自家窗户上, 以便外人看见。你的邻居是没有申请许可被罚还是因RBQ捞过界被罚? 还是因两者都有的原因?  申请许可时, 是自干还是请人,自干(不需执照)部分, 要少于2万。 请人, RBQ 要填上。 置于RBQ  能干活的范围 和你申请施工许可的内容是不是相符合,市政府officer是不是要核实,who knows?   要是自己感兴趣,看下面的链接, 也可以证明一下ilovemontrealqc 说的(或着ilovemontrealqc Contractor)有关 喜乐居 RBQ 的说法是不是有点太哪个了(你懂的)。
个人认为喜乐居的RBQ 是可以接一般装修的活。 希望就事论事。  
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2017-2-2 21:38 | 只看该作者
Hello Guys,

I am a General Contractor for many years and with many white hair from this this job.

I see your topic of discussion and on request of  my one of my best costumer, I will make light in this go and for.

At the end of my message you will find an attachment right RBQ licence for renovations. And to clarified the first topic for me it is: The lady pay the fine because she signed a contract with a contractor without licence 1.2, 1.3 . , and the work to be done was required those classes.The guy took RBQ suspension with restrictions for 5 years and 22.000,00 $ fine also; the lady (poor her) 12.000,00$ ( I was called to finish that work and believe me three times the Rbq, CCQ and City Hall came to check me (but this is something normal for us)

Second:  Some one write about city hall permission.  Who wrote  this is wrong and out of topic. When you work in a specific city you have to apply to their  laws and to which construction code they approved. There is no amount barrier for permits, there in no general rules, each city decide how they want. They, the city hall, in generally look for the street architecture, house structures, land-scape, and face colors, and of course for any additions to the house which they can tax. So you who wrote 20.000$ amount, sorry you are out of the reality.
The only correct thing you say it is that the owner had the obligation to ask the permit. Suggestion: Better the Contractor go to ask, because if me I go for example, I will have the permit wright there. No waiting.(Fees on customer)


they are 3 (three) different licences. 1.Annexe I General Contractor 2. Annexe II Specialised Contractors 3 Annexe III   Lower-Risk Specialised Contractors, and this it is what the RBQ say.
1. General Contractor (RBQ 1.1.1: 1.1.2: 1.2;1.3; 1.4; 1.5; 1.6) They are the most. They have all the rights and the powers. In fact they drive more then 60% of Quebec industry. They have the right to execute or to give  to a subcontracting any jobs in the industry. For renovations: they have the right to execute them selves or to give to a sub-contractant or to use skilled workers even without CCQ competence card. Any time during and after the general contracter is totally responsible for the warranty of the jobs. And to be very clear, a General Contractor have the right to execute anything. You who say we do not have the right you are wrong and big mouth. You have the smaller RBQ licence for the moment.

2. Specialized Contractors:  Are those who have CCQ  Competence Card for a specific job in construction and past the RBQ test. EX: plumber, mason, carpenter, flooring. painter, plaster, etc..., you can find all those on RBQ site.(  ONLY THOSE PEOPLE WHO HAVE THE CCQ CARDS CAN BE CALLED SPECIALIST . If you have the CCQ Card and you have your RBQ licence only for the your speciality, you can do only your specialty job and nothing  more.

3. Lower=risk specilised classes:  All those categories are given for free without passing  any specific job exams by  RBQ
After you past  basic exams. ex: Administration( RBQ LICENSE SHOWS "A") then RBQ give you all the other categories for free WITHOUT  passing any specifics jobs exam.( All those categories are given for FREE  2.5 Excavationet terrassement ,  2.7 Travaux d'emplacement;   3.2 petits ouvrages de Beton;    4.2 Travaux de maconnerie non strcturale marbre et ceramique;    5.2 Ouvrages metalliques;   6.2 Travaux de bois et plastique;   7,  Isolation etancheite couvertures et revetement exterieur;    8, Portes dt Frnetres;   9 Travaux de finition;  11.2 , Equipements et produits speciaux;  12, Armoires et comptoirs usines;   13.5, Installations speciales ou prefabriquees;  17.2, Intercommunication telephonie et surveillance )   All those categories permit you to do some small jobs but not too much. In our construction  fields we call that jobins because of the restrictions they give.   Sorry, David  your RBQ LICENSE  it is this kind,  categories, but do not stop you to do many kinds or renovations.  

Next topics: David you say you have special licence  and the generals contractors can not do what you have in your licence. First: WELCOME  IN THE CONSTRUCTION FAMILY. I appreciate you do 2 (two) exams and past. Not easy.  Good  work man.  The point it is you are just at the start of the road, not at the end, man. You do not have no specific licence of any job in the construction, you have the wright to contract just some, and they are not big deals. Instead you have the wright to be appointed by a General to execute jobs in residential renovations where the CCQ card is not required. Please Man, do not thing you know everything in the beging, is not this. In construction we learn every day. And suggestion: Do not ever go against us the Generals Contractors, you need  us, and in the begin our push help. Do not speak or publish any more what you wrote before (suggestion)

Renovations: According by the law: On residential renovation, the contractor must be 1.2 or 1.3 RBQ licenced. Exept some specific jobs, I will enumerate further, the workers have no obligation to have CCQ competence card.  The CCQ card is required on: Plumber,  Electrician. Structure, Isolation, Door and Windows, Structure bricks or stone, Counters and cotra-tops, linoleum or carpets, any central air, natural or propane gas or refrigeration. If we look on those exceptions we understand that any mistake can affect our life or health. Do not understand that everything that is included in specialized classes from Annexe II is only for them. Each classe have exceptions.


I wrote more then I say in the morning meeting with my employees.

!. The topic primary was a complain against some one (David) The lady have the wright to complain to RBQ and the police. (David I suggest you to resolve the topic with her.)

2. RBQ licences I thing you guys now you understand how it works. It Is by numbers and categories. It is complicate and many many laws and different gov. paliers, agencies, etc. Just to pass any RBQ exam it is a nightmare and demande a lot of studies, time and efforts. Except Health and Safety exam who it is really easy all the others are very hard.

3. Specialists in construction are those who past 1800 hours of theory courses and 8000 hours of work under supervision of a master, any others who say I am an master or specialist is just an imposteur. Exist a Certification of RENO-MASTER but it is not easy to have.

4. For you guys the most important thing it is to ask to anybody want to execute a construction work on your propriety his RBQ Licence and verify if it is the good one for your kind of the work. On RBQ web you find any number and categories explained very nice. This site it is for you guys, not for me. Was put in place for the public.

4. Thanks to any one who wrote. I have hard time to translate, but funny. You are a really nice community which share everything. I have Chinese costumers (hard and demanding) but I always have fun.
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2017-2-3 12:27 | 只看该作者
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2017-2-3 14:18 | 只看该作者
No matter what, it has to be faire on any comment.  Anyone who is interesting in the RBQ and also honest can get clear information from the link below.
It seems your contractor is insisting on the item 1.2 and1.3 under the RBQ which “喜乐居” doesn’t have. The website from the above link clearly illustrates difference between the general contractor and others.
The following screenshots can explain the topics being argued here.
I think it is the difference between Schedule I and III.  

Capture-1`.JPG (148.4 KB, 下载次数: 121)


Capture-2.JPG (495.53 KB, 下载次数: 114)


Capture-3.JPG (432.01 KB, 下载次数: 109)

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使用道具 举报

发表于 2017-2-3 14:30 | 只看该作者
Montreal 华人圈子里会说普通话,有RBQ 1.2 和 1.3 的Contractor,我认识的就有最少3位。所有人都一致认为,与靠实际在工地积累工作经验的历程相比,通过RBQ理论考试的难度可以忽略不计。以我为例,拿个RBQ资质跟玩一样,但把工程做好用了我十多年的时间,到现在也不敢说就都明白了。




吉龙电力 - 值得您一直信赖的专业服务!
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2017-2-3 16:18 | 只看该作者

在正式开始研究(Chao3 Jia4)之前,先引出一个常识给大家:RBQ资质只决定某人或某单位是否有资格接工程和签合同,但并不决定某个人是否有资格在现场真正动手施工,这个资格要看CCQ资质。


吉龙电力 - 值得您一直信赖的专业服务!
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2017-2-3 23:11 | 只看该作者
有关laodao说的“自干(不需执照)部分,要少于2万”的说法,居然被“砖家”给“sorry you are out of reality.”了,着实让我迷惑了一会儿,其实这一条在RBQ网站上说的清清楚楚:

https://www.rbq.gouv.qc.ca/en/fr ... /owner-builder.html

“What are the works that I am entitled to perform as an owner of a building?

No owner-builder’s licence is necessary for the natural person who carries out, or has someone else carry out, construction works on a single-family house or any structure intended for the natural person’s or his/her family’s own private use.

Article 1 of the Regulation respecting the application of the Building Act stipulates that there is no obligation on the part of the owner-builder to hold a licence when construction works intended involve solely the renovation, repair or maintenance of his/her own property and are estimated at an amount of less than $20,000.”

吉龙电力 - 值得您一直信赖的专业服务!
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2017-2-4 04:57 | 只看该作者
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2017-2-5 13:20 | 只看该作者

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