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发表于 2002-11-7 00:28 | 显示全部楼层
Go to Costco to change your tires. If you don't have membership, then your choice should be Canadian Tire -- still better than Lu Jian
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发表于 2002-11-7 00:33 | 显示全部楼层
我最近较忙, 没有时间光顾 Sinoquebec 来帮朋友们的忙了, 今后我如有时间, 我会再来的.

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发表于 2002-11-7 18:30 | 显示全部楼层
This discussed here for many times; If you
check the earlier posts, you will find the

1. Change Wire set, only $16-$20 and you can do
   it yourself
2. New spark plug if need, a pair cheap like $1.99
   Do it yourself, simple job if you know the gap.
3. Distributor cap and rod. Both less than $10.

If you like people do it for you, Above plus oil
change will be less than $50. You can find this
service in Sears, CT, WalMart and Costco.

Your car is good, just make sure above stuff in
good shape for the Winter.

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发表于 2002-11-8 21:00 | 显示全部楼层
:rolleyes:        :p  
Together, let's make the world more beautiful...see you and take care....folks
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发表于 2002-11-18 22:16 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2002-11-21 19:55 | 显示全部楼层
This Monday I want to Midas to check the rod bolt of my car and the mechanic told me that this job would cost you 190$ plus tax; when I came back I called Phil garage and the boss Mr. Phil told me that if change, it maybe cost aroud 90$.
Yesterday I realy want to Phil garage and them check my car very carfully and told me that it is better to change this bolt, and part price is 49.25$.
Finally they fixed it and charge me 140$ totally, I think this is a very reasonable price than others, at least Midas.
The intent of this story is:
Thanks those experts and warm heart friend in this topic, such as folks,etc. with their  contribution and time,someone,at least for me, can gain the benifts of their valueble experience.
and charge less.
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发表于 2002-11-21 23:33 | 显示全部楼层
Thank all of my friends (whom I have yet to meet one day) for your trust and confidence.

I am very pleased that I can be of some help to you. However, I have been very busy recently -- busy job and lots of family duties + my leisure. This will contiune for some time...therefore, I won't be able to spend lots of time on the net anymore.

I  hope that our community continues to grow stronger with our combined passion, our wisdom and our strength in this new homeland --

To help this tree grow, one needs to water, trim and support... one day, we will be firmly and deeply rooted into this land and today is the Step 1 from these thousands of miles.
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发表于 2002-11-22 01:59 | 显示全部楼层
To Jcell,

The rod bolt is located at the connection of the steering rod and tire wheel, it's function is transfer the turning angle from the direction wheel to the tires.
The rod bolt on the right side of my car was somemore loosen due to the longtime wear. If it is broken, there will be a big trouble.

The address of Phil garage is:

2300 - 52nd Avenue
Lachine, Quebec H8T 2Y3
Telephone: (514) 631-9104 - Fax: (514) 631-6507
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发表于 2002-11-22 23:46 | 显示全部楼层
Mostly the power steering pump driving belt.
The PS pump is oil sealed, cold temperature
does nothing on it,and it doesn't leak as u
said. So I guess it is ok.

Please check the belt and oil hose, they are
rubber! Make sure you don't hear teeth noise
when you turn the wheel, otherwise it's dead.
complete rebuild PS system should within $200,
anything more than it is rediculous

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发表于 2002-11-24 12:54 | 显示全部楼层
FOLKS, DonCherry和其他各位大侠.通过读您们的大作,小第学了很多车的知识.最近我家老马有些毛病另小第很心烦. 盼高人指点:

1. 我的车是1990的Honda Accord EXR 最近在低速行驶时(20KM/HOUR或15KM/HOUR),
油门车减速很快. 我自己查书怀疑是右后轮胎或右后轮轴承的问题.不知您怎么看?
>>roblem might be coming from Bearing. Try this:
  lift car use the lift for changing tire,
  turn the wheel fast enough and listen. If it is
  hard to turn, then you need adjust brake. Don't
  adjust yourself, you need some experience.

关于这点,FOLKS建议我查一下刹车系统(半年前,前后刹车片和刹车鼓都换了新的),和传动系统.但最近几天和Phil Bailey车行联系都未约上APPOINMENT. 不知道象我这种情况在那检查是否收费,用不用做Road Test. 大致得多少钱能修好.

2. 还有D4挡启车时感觉没劲(D3挡启车还可以),加速换挡(自动档的车)特慢.同时油耗也大,百公里14/15升油.刚换的机油和前轮胎,空气filter也查过挺干净的. 为什么油耗很高哪?是不是老车没的救了?
>> Transmission is too old, it is slower to response your
   acceleration, which means it "Down Shifting" is
   slow. Normally 14/15 is ok if you driving lot in town.
   Try do a transmission flush, better to use synthetic anto-tran oil from Honda.

3. 我买四个火花塞,准备换上,问"路坚"的师傅,他说换时不用抹anti-seize, 但有的人在DIY换火花塞时要用ANTI-SEIZE以防止高温烧结在缸上,到底有没有必要抹?

>>> Not necessary, don't buy cheaper Spark plug like Champion's (2 for $1.99)
>>> Buy Bosch Ultra pre-gapped sparks, and make sure
   you have right heat range, which is important.

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