I tried to sent you an email, seems your account doesn't work.
anyway, don't trust what others said, you should trust what you saw.
talk to husband about what you suspected, if he can honestly face it and giave an acceptable explanation, then you two can find a good solution.
[QUOTE=Q+A]I tried to sent you an email, seems your account doesn't work.
anyway, don't trust what others said, you should trust what you saw.
talk to husband about what you suspected, if he can honestly face it and giave an acceptable explanation, then you two can find a good solution.
Post by China1618
是不是你太多疑了,看见老公跟别的女人上街就说人家有外遇,你这样小心眼多少个老公也得被你憋死。 除非你找一个有自闭症纯科研型人材,天天陪你在家研究科学,比如陈景润,你让他出门他都不肯。加拿大就不适合在国内搞工商的男人呆在这里,如果你男人不愿意呆在加拿大,你起诉他也没用,他可能卷钱就回国了。对于不怎么在意身份的男人来说,加拿大的民法对他根本就没有约束力。