楼主: Howcome
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选谁都不能选自由党!!!anyone but not LB!!

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发表于 2015-10-16 14:42 | 只看该作者
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 楼主| 发表于 2015-10-16 16:36 | 只看该作者
bbjiaoshou 发表于 2015-10-16 12:49

包括哈勃,克林顿 ...

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发表于 2015-10-16 18:56 | 只看该作者
Howcome 发表于 2015-10-16 16:36
那好,两害取其轻,如果二选一,你是吸大麻喽?如果大麻无害,为什么在世界绝大多少国家都是非法的?鸦片 ...




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发表于 2015-10-16 18:57 | 只看该作者
Howcome 发表于 2015-10-16 16:36
那好,两害取其轻,如果二选一,你是吸大麻喽?如果大麻无害,为什么在世界绝大多少国家都是非法的?鸦片 ...




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 楼主| 发表于 2015-10-19 11:45 | 只看该作者
自由党承诺上台执政后会推动大麻合法化,在全国各个社区建立毒品注射屋,推动男女共浴共厕法案。我认为这些举措只会使得社会越来越乱,而且增加管理成本,最后还要由全体纳税人买单。今天新闻报道,多伦多大学一些学生宿舍已经取消男女共用厕所。这种厕所原意是方便跨性别人士 (transgender),例如一名男子拥有男性生理特征,却认为自己是女性,便可以进入这种男女共用厕所。但从上月开始连续发生女性如厕时被人偷窥偷拍的事件。若全国都建这种厕所,可以想象情况会多么乱,那些有偷窥癖好的人便可堂而皇之进行偷窥和性骚扰了;毒品合法化后吸食者肯定大量增加,毒品对人的伤害是很严重的,到时候全国到处都是瘾君子,会造就一大批“残废品”,街头横七竖八到处都是“瘾君子”,社会服务和医疗卫生负担将会更加沉重。还有,今天挑战联邦规定公民宣誓必须取下脸罩的那位穆斯林妇女举行了入籍宣誓,因为法庭判决他有权带面罩,但很多加拿大人认为,这不仅仅是入乡随俗的问题,在公民宣誓法庭蒙脸是不尊重这个公民身份,藐视法庭。把脸蒙得那么严实,法官如何核实宣誓者的身份呢?谁知道是不是冒名顶替的呢?总理哈勃表示若保守党继续执政,不禁要立法禁止公民选宣誓时蒙脸;而且将效仿魁北克政府,通过一份禁止公务员上班蒙脸的法律。我本人也表示赞同。(转载)
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 楼主| 发表于 2015-10-19 12:30 | 只看该作者
Edmonton Journal 昨天发表文章,呼吁大家回到经济这个bottom line,支持保守党。

"The bottom line remains the bottom line.

Now more than ever, we need a “moderate and sensible” economic plan for Canada, which is what Harper’s Tories have promised, and delivered, for the last 10 years. And why we are endorsing them again in 2015."


Conservatives best choice to manage the economy



多伦多星报:Our Choice, still, is Harper

我们敦促你们投票给一个最适合领导加拿大的领袖。基于此,我们支持现任总理 Stephen Harper及保守党。

We urge you to vote for the leader and party you believe is best qualified to lead Canada.

On that basis, we endorse Prime Minister Stephen Harper and the Conservatives.

Harper successfully led Canada through the worst recession since the Great Depression, emerging in better shape than almost any other developed country.

Since then, he has successfully balanced the federal budget and positioned Canada for modest surpluses for the next four years.

Over his nine years in office he has worked to ease the tax burden of Canadians, by everything from lowering the GST from 7% to 5%, to, in this election, raising the Tax Free Savings Allowance and helping families and senior citizens reduce their tax burden through income splitting.

He has helped parents by letting them keep more of their money to help with the costs of raising their children in the way they want to do it, not the way the government tells them to do it.

He is the only national party leader who understands that in order to maintain its prosperity, Canada must be able to trade with the world and get its resources, including oil and natural gas, to domestic and international markets.

On foreign policy, Harper has succeeded in the top priority for any leader in the post 9/11 world.

He has kept Canadians safe from terrorist attacks at home while taking the fight to the terrorists abroad, most recently by joining the U.S.-led coalition against ISIS in Syria and Iraq.

He has been a staunch defender of democracy in the Mideast and has made Canada Israel's closest ally in the world.

He has been a beacon of moral clarity at the United Nations, which has drifted into moral relativism and hypocrisy, unable to respond effectively to the global threat posed by radical Islamism.

On the Syrian refugee crisis, Harper has been the only national leader telling Canadians the truth. That is that no matter how many refugees Canada accepts, the federal government must always err on the side of keeping Canadians safe and the only long-term solution to the refugee crisis is ending the Syrian civil war.

Harper has been unfairly attacked by opponents as a bigot over the government's position on the suitability of the niqab at swearing-in ceremonies for new Canadians, a position he shares with the vast majority of Canadians.

By contrast, we don't think Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau and NDP Leader Thomas Mulcair are motivated by evil intentions. We just think they're wrong.

We don't question their patriotism. We question their ability to keep public sector spending in check and to represent Canada to the world as ably as Harper has done.

That's why we urge you to vote for Harper and the Conservatives on Monday.


The Province 一贯是反保守党的,但却呼吁大家选哈泊。

Conservative Leader Stephen Harper is still the best choice to lead Canada


Yet, despite the claims of the anti-Tory, anti-Harper legion, the editorial board of The Province believes voters should still elect the Conservatives on Monday.


One simple reason: the economy.

Of the three main parties in the 2015 federal election campaign, only the Tories are taking a responsible view on growing the economy and controlling public spending and taxation.

NDP Leader Thomas Mulcair would damage Canada’s economy if he were allowed to assume power and delivered the billions of dollars in new public-sector programs he has promised.

His plans to vastly increase the size and cost of government to take over matters now better suited to individuals and the private sector, such as his proposed unaffordable national daycare program, shows that the NDP still has no appreciation for the folly of costly government intervention.

Moreover, his vows to kill job-creating resource projects, his naive view that he will renegotiate the wealth-generating Trans-Pacific Partnership and overall social democratic belief that government should have a larger role in managing the economy will hurt Canadians by slowing our shared prosperity.

And how can anyone vote for the Liberals and Justin Trudeau, with his absurd plan to run deficits?

Not even the NDP thinks that’s a good idea.

Under Trudeau, the Liberals seem to have forgotten the economic damage of deficit spending — long-term debt, rising interest rates and the risk of inflation, the real wealth killer.


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 楼主| 发表于 2015-10-19 14:50 | 只看该作者




伪造者解释道:“叙利亚民兵与阿萨德政权的武装力量在小镇交火时,民兵知道这些身份证明文件的价值,于是他们潜入办公室偷了护照、驾照、纸质文件,甚至是被用来打印身份证的打印机。我并不知道这些文件具体来自哪个小镇,因为这样的事情已经发生很多次了。叙利亚自由军、反对派组织Al Nusra或是ISIS在内的其他组织,他们都知道这些文件的价值。他们把这些文件给了我们,要求我们为他们及其家人制造一个新身份以离开叙利亚。我们为他们做了这些,他们留给我们几本多余的身份证明文件,让我们可以卖了赚点钱。由于战争,许多叙利亚人的护照和身份证都找不到了,他们想要新的身份证明文件去欧洲。现在每个人都想成为叙利亚人,因为现在每个人都欢迎叙利亚人。巴勒斯坦人、埃及人、伊拉克人,甚至是整个阿拉伯世界的人都想成为叙利亚人,因为只有这样他们才能在欧洲开始新生活。ISIS战士就是用这种方式混到人群中前往了欧洲。”

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发表于 2015-10-20 14:56 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2015-10-20 16:44 | 只看该作者
rong 发表于 2015-10-20 14:56

以为幸福在远方, 在可以追逐的未来, 后来才发现, 错过的是那些握过的手,唱过的歌,流过的泪,爱过的人……
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 楼主| 发表于 2015-11-17 21:54 | 只看该作者
选自由党的后悔了吧?当时只是意气用事,现在傻了吧?白人族群中很多几代在政府部门工作,哈勃要缩减政府开支、减少政府雇员,包括CBC, 另外削减福利开支,动了他们的奶酪,当然希望哈勃下台。可这是给纳税人省钱啊!!!你看当自由党选举领先时,所有电视媒体个个弹冠相庆,喜上眉梢。他们的职位、经费不会缩减了,当然高兴!华人跟着起什么哄?投票本应该考虑自己的利益,自己的价值观在那个党可以得到最大化的体现。一些华人义工没有从自身族群利益出发,为了个人可能得到的好处为自由党啼哭嚎叫,最终搬起石头砸了大家的脚。

1. 25000难民的事已经让全国人心惶惶了,自由党没有丝毫改变计划的苗头
3. 大麻很快就合法化,

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