IV. Question and Answer Supplement 补充问题 1. Do I have to update EVUS after November if I receive my visa in October 2016? 如果我于2016年10月获得了签证,我必须于11月之后在EVUS上登记吗? Yes. Starting in November 2016, U.S. immigration regulationswill require that all People’s Republic of China passport holders carrying10-year B1/B2, B1, or B2 visas must have a valid EVUS enrollment beforetraveling to the United States. It does not matter when your visa was issued. Oncethe system is able to accept enrollments, you will be able to enroll at anytime prior to your departure. 是的。自2016年11月起,美国移民法规要求所有持中华人民共和国护照并同时持有10年有效期B1/B2、B1或B2签证的旅客赴美前必须在EVUS上进行有效登记。此登记与您签证的签发时间无关。一旦系统启用,您就可以在出发之前的任意时间进行登记。
2. Can I update my personal information right before I travel to the United States? If I don’t have a plan to travel to the United States within two years, do I still need to update it? 我可以在即将赴美前更新个人信息吗?如果两年内没有计划去美国,我也需要更新信息吗? Once the system is available, any traveler who plans to travelto the United States after November 2016 must have a valid EVUS enrollmentbefore traveling, including before arriving at the airport. Travelers shouldnot wait until the last minute to enroll. An enrollment is valid for two yearsfrom the date of approval or until the traveler obtains a new passport,whichever comes first. This means that travelers may repeatedly travel to theUnited States within those two years without having to enroll again. Beginningin November 2016, travelers are encouraged to check the status of theirapplication or enrollment on the EVUS website prior to departing for theairport. 一旦系统启用,2016年11月之后赴美的旅客必须在出行前,包括抵达机场前,完成有效EVUS登记。旅客不应该等到最后一刻才登记。每次登记自获得批准时起,有效期为两年或者截止到旅客获得新护照时,两者以先到期者为准。这就意味着在两年内,旅客不用再次登记就能多次赴美。自2016年11月起,我们鼓励旅客在前往机场之前登录EVUS官网查询申请或登记的状态。
3. I have a one-year U.S. visa. Do I need to update my information and pay for EVUS? Is EVUS only for people who have the 10-year U.S. visa? 我持有一个有效期为1年的美国签证,我需要在EVUS上登记并付费吗?EVUS仅适用于持有10年有效期美国签证的旅客吗? EVUS only applies to People’s Republic of China passport holderscarrying 10-year B1/B2, B1, or B2 visas. If you hold a People’s Republic ofChina passport, but your visa is valid for only one year, you do not have toenroll in EVUS. EVUS 仅适用于持有中华人民共和国护照并同时持有10年有效期B1/B2、B1或B2签证的旅客。如果您持有中华人民共和国护照,但所持有的签证有效期是1年,您无需在EVUS上登记。
4. After I update EVUS can I be refused entry into the U.S.? 在EVUS上登记之后,我有可能被拒绝入境美国吗? All visitors to the United States, regardless of whether theyhave a visa, an EVUS, or some other travel authorization, must demonstratetheir admissibility to the United States to a CBP officer upon arrival at aport of entry. Neither a visa nor EVUS enrollment guarantees admission into theUnited States. These rules have not changed. 所有访美旅客,无论他们是否持有签证,是否在EVUS上登记,或获得其它旅行授权,在抵达入境口岸时都必须由美国海关和边境保护局的官员审核是否获准进入美国。无论是持有签证还是已经在EVUS上完成登记,都无法保证您一定能入境美国。这些规定并没有改变。
5. If I have a 10-year B1/B2, B1, or B2 visa in both my official and my personal passports, do I need to enroll in EVUS twice? 如果我的公务护照和因私护照中都有10年有效期B1/B2、B1或B2签证,我需要在EVUS上登记两次吗? Yes, an EVUS enrollment is tied to the individual visa. Thismeans that you must separately enroll in EVUS for each 10-year visa in each ofyour People’s Republic of China passports. 是的。每一次EVUS登记对应一个单独的签证-。这意味着您必须在EVUS上分别为每一本中华人民共和国护照上的每一个10年有效期签证进行登记。
6. What does EVUS have to do with the 10-year visa? EVUS和10年有效期签证有什么关系? In November 2014, the Governments of the United States and Chinaentered into an arrangement on a reciprocal basis to issue 10-year visitor andbusiness travel visas (B1/B2, B1, and B2). That same arrangement recognizedthat travelers would be required periodically to complete an online formupdating the information they used to apply for the visa. EVUS was developed toallow travelers to provide the most current information – including name, passportnumber, address, and employment – to immigration officials before traveling tothe United States. 2014年11月,美国政府和中国就签发10年有效期旅游和商务签证(B1/B2, B1或B2签证) 达成了双边互惠协议。该协议规定旅客须定期完成在线表格填写以更新用于申请签证的个人信息。EVUS的启用是为了让旅客在赴美前向移民官员提交最新的个人信息 - 包括名字、护照号码、地址和就业信息。
7. My passport has expired. Do I need to enroll in EVUS as soon as I get a new passport or can I do that before my next trip? 我的护照已过期。我需要在拿到新护照时立即进行EVUS登记,还是可以等到下次出行前再做EVUS登记? If you have a new passport, you will need to enroll in EVUSbefore your next trip to the United States. We recommend you enroll at leastone week before you are scheduled to leave for the United States. 如果您已更换护照,您需要在下次赴美前完成EVUS登记。我们建议您至少在赴美的前一周完成EVUS登记
8. What if my information has not changed? Do I still need to enroll in EVUS? 如果我的个人信息没有变化,我还需要在EVUS系统中登记吗? Yes. You will be able to review your information to make sure itis still accurate, and should follow instructions in the EVUS system to makesure you have a current EVUS enrollment. If your information remain accurate,your EVUS enrollment is valid for two years or until your passport expires,whichever comes first. 是的。为保证拥有最新的EVUS登记,您需要按照EVUS系统的指示进行登记,并检查之前提供的个人信息,以确保所填内容准确无误。如果您所提供的信息仍然是准确的,那么您此次EVUS登记的有效期为两年。在此期间,如果护照过期,EVUS登记也将随之失效。
9. What if I changed my information? Does this mean my EVUS will be automatically refused? 如果更改了我的个人信息,是否意味着我的EVUS申请会自动被拒? No. We encourage you to keep your information up-to-date tofacilitate your entry into the United States. 不是。我们希望您能提供最新的个人信息,以便入境美国。 公众号:flytoqc 长按二维码关注我们,一个有用的公众号 ▶▶▶ |