点评Pi314,“无知者无畏。”关于租客是否该付房租,在哪些情况下租客不需要付房租,建议你们读读安省"Tenant Rights" 和 "OHRC( Ontario Human Rights Commission) ,里面有详细的规定,对房东的违权侵权行为有减免房租、承担刑事责任等不同形式的惩罚。如果房东llegal Lookout, 上门骚扰房客, 不按租约给房客门钥匙,房客不仅不用付房租,房东还有可能被警察逮捕,涉刑事罪。可惜,很多低收入(华裔)房客不知道维护自己的权利,任由违法的房东摆布。像你们这种尽说风凉活的,也给弱势民众维权带来很大难度。建议你们找律师咨询清楚,不要在坛内胡乱灌水,误导大众。
Housing is a human rightInternational law says that people in Canada should be able to get good housing that they can afford. To help achieve this in Ontario, tenants and landlords (or housing providers) have rights and responsibilities under the Human Rights Code. As a tenant, you have the right to equal treatment in housing without discrimination and harassment. You cannot be refused an apartment, harassed by a housing provider or other tenants, or otherwise treated unfairly because of your: - race, colour or ethnic background
- religious beliefs or practices
- ancestry, including people of Aboriginal descent
- place of origin
- citizenship, including refugee status
- sex (including pregnancy and gender identity)
- family status
- marital status, including people with a same-sex partner
- disability
- sexual orientation
- age, including people who are 16 or 17 years old and no longer living with their parents
- receipt of public assistance.
You are also protected if you face discrimination because you are a friend or relative of someone identified above.