恰恰相反,那抱小孩上课的大叔看拿PROFESSOR没法子,最后还说叫什么DIRECTOR TO STOP THIS CLASS,看样子他的英语真是烂的可以,什么样的单词都能凑和说出口.
还有你知道吗,你这算是危胁,还好PROFESSOR没跟你计较,摆摆手让你走了算了,要不十个你也吃不了兜着走.我就说你怎么这么以自己为中心,自私? 你就没想想你那多大不了的事,非要放在课堂上讲?让全世界都知道?
here your honorable big brother is on board.come on,all you stink fu^cked red ass!
I am a farmer.so what?I bringed my chird to class because there is not enough day-care avaliable in montreal to care him.the white ass stole my book because he looked down on me.should I keep silence like a scapesheep like your kind of chinese shit?
you kind of redasses should be pround that I am in honor to show the strong attitude to those prejudiced profass and westass.
great,you said something!
this white ass is quite strong.how come can I beat him down alone? ask for the help from these chinese???you see,right down there,there is a chinese great fighter would like to blow a chinese in front of all those westass, for the yellow face we have in common, for amusing these westass.what a shit!
I am a refuger,so what!you decent chinese are winner.winner for eating shit!