Most people should be free during Christmas holiday.
For the people on this board who enjoy dancing,
it would be a fine opportunity
to arrange to dance in the same place.
Just on this topic alone, there are over 20 people,
For example,
joinnow911, HappyFun, 789aeb, jammy,
mlz007, Allen-Yu, Blue_Snow , salsalover
al, Aesthetican, Caps Lock, asdfdsa, funnyface
lucyliu2002, Tap, hhocauestc, MSNUSER, peixuan.
I am sure that there are other dance lovers
who are interested but have not spoken out yet.
May I suggest the Christmas party on this Friday, Dec 26,
Or the Chinese new year party by Friend club, Jan 24 ?
For the detail on the Christmas party, check the topic
“ 实现心中梦想--想学跳舞".
For the detail on the Chinese new year party, check the topic
“ 2004年中国年联欢会 “.
I myself will go to both with a couple of friends. |