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[探亲] 如何办理父母探亲?材料如何准备?

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发表于 2003-10-6 18:50 | 只看该作者
langley, I also would like to have a copy of invitation letter. please kindly send me one.
my e-mail: moxin7374@msn.com
many thanks!
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发表于 2003-10-7 00:47 | 只看该作者
to Langley
我是想回国看看,所以想如果可能的话就一起回来了。  :rolleyes:
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发表于 2003-10-7 08:23 | 只看该作者
你要回去接你的父母很正常, 但是这用不着告诉签证官阿, 你的父母拿到签证以后, 有三个月的时间入境。那时候你自己愿意回去就回去好了。 在邀请信上用不着写那么多东西。
另外提醒所有要办父母签证的朋友注意:以前签证的有效的入境时间都是半年, 现在只有三个月了。所以, 去签证的时间要安排好。这是从我母亲最近拿到签证以后才知道的。
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发表于 2003-10-7 09:06 | 只看该作者
经常看见很多人写帖子问邀请信的写法,而且大多被推荐去参考本网站上的那两个模版。根据我自己两次申请父母探亲的经验, 我觉得用不着那么复杂, 而且, 如果所有的人, 都用那一个模式, 到签证官手里也会觉得好笑。
我在去年办我的岳父岳母来探亲的时候, 一开始也打算照搬这个模版,后来觉得太复杂, 就放弃了。还是自己写。 也办成了。当时我也只是个学生, 没有工作, 请导师写了一封信证明我的研究生身份。上个月我又给我母亲办,邀请信就更简单了, 就写因为我们很想念她, 但我们没有时间回国, 所以请她来看我们。上个星期, 我妈妈去办签证, 非常快, 上午5分钟, 下午2分钟就全部搞定了。
所以我觉得在邀请信上用不着那么较真儿, 完全就可以象写家信那样表达你的意思。但是最好是有一封由老板或者导师签署的证明信, 证明你不是一个无业游民。而且, 在移民局网站列明所需的那些材料, 都准备齐, 省的来回折腾。
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发表于 2003-10-7 14:40 | 只看该作者
我们家庭只有这两位老人, 想让她们一起过来有个伴.
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发表于 2003-10-7 14:47 | 只看该作者
G.Student 你好能也给我一份宣誓样本吗?非常感谢.还有一个问题想请教你,如果我上COFI可以申请父母过来吗?
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发表于 2003-10-8 09:39 | 只看该作者
上COFI可以申请父母过来吗? Yes, as long as you  provide the enough fanicial support.

有朋友同时申请岳母和婆婆来探亲吗? I know sd did like that and succeed. In addition, you can mention that their coming together can comford each other due to the language difficulty.  

To shanmididi & rent007007:
I can and will email your two guys a copy of invitation letter. But as what the blackcoffe said, the invitation letter should not be so complex. It is just a letter to your parents and tell officer the motive of your invitation. But you should avoid some sensitive topics as many people discussed here before. You should modify the sample I give you because many people have used this version. The letter should be more personal.

In addition, blackcoffe gave us a good idea, let supervisor sign a statement! This is a very solid proof about your credit.         

Thanks blackcoffe informing the change in visit time limitation.

Good Luck!
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发表于 2003-10-8 09:41 | 只看该作者
上COFI可以申请父母过来吗? Yes, as long as you  provide the enough fanicial support.

有朋友同时申请岳母和婆婆来探亲吗? I know sd did like that and succeed. In addition, you can mention that their coming together can comford each other due to the language difficulty.  

To shanmididi & rent007007:
I can and will email your two guys a copy of invitation letter. But as what the blackcoffe said, the invitation letter should not be so complex. It is just a letter to your parents and tell officer the motive of your invitation. But you should avoid some sensitive topics as many people discussed here before. You should modify the sample I give you because many people have used this version. The letter should be more personal.

In addition, blackcoffe gave us a good idea, let supervisor sign a statement! This is a very solid proof about your credit.         

Thanks blackcoffe informing the change in visit time limitation.

Good Luck!
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发表于 2003-10-8 09:42 | 只看该作者
上COFI可以申请父母过来吗? Yes, as long as you  provide the enough fanicial support.

有朋友同时申请岳母和婆婆来探亲吗? I know sd did like that and succeed. In addition, you can mention that their coming together can comford each other due to the language difficulty.  

To shanmididi & rent007007:
I can and will email your two guys a copy of invitation letter. But as what the blackcoffe said, the invitation letter should not be so complex. It is just a letter to your parents and tell officer the motive of your invitation. But you should avoid some sensitive topics as many people discussed here before. You should modify the sample I give you because many people have used this version. The letter should be more personal.

In addition, blackcoffe gave us a good idea, let supervisor sign a statement! This is a very solid proof about your credit.         

Thanks blackcoffe informing the change in visit time limitation.

Good Luck!
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发表于 2003-10-12 10:37 | 只看该作者
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