Post by 镜子
如果是我,我会这样试试.打电话283-6566:"Hello. Is this measurement Canada?"
对方会说:''Yes. May I help you?"
答:"Yes, please.I live in downtown Montreal. I am a customer of M....I heard a rumor that there was something wrong of their weigh. I tried today. I brougt 0.75Kilogram banana there and weigh in Provigo, it shows0.7kilogram. I wonder if you could do something to stop their cheating,please. Do you need me keep the banana and the receipt? "
如果说不归他们管,你就问:"Would you please tell me where I could get help? "
最后别忘了"Thank you.I appreciate."
根据以前我咨询的政府的答复结果,他们会派人带度量衡砝码去验证的.一定要试,有问题再贴出来,我们一起探讨. |