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发表于 2004-2-21 10:43 | 只看该作者
看了ice-point和frank_p的争论,我也想说几句。到底什么专业好?为什么好?大家一直在为这个问题争论不休,前几年大家都说学计算机好,于是一窝蜂地去学电脑,就连那些本来自己的专业和电脑八竿子打不着的,也跑去读什么培训班。后来又说MBA牛,于是又哭爹喊娘地去读MBA。911来了,北美经济萧条了,大家傻了眼,又都开始痛骂IT和MBA是毒药。照这么下去,下一个毒药估计是DOUBLE E了。

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使用道具 举报

发表于 2004-2-21 19:56 | 只看该作者
同意WAGNER兄所言.其实TU兄早也说过COMMUNICATION和INTERPERSONAL SKILLS同样非常重要.找到合适的工作是一个综合的问题,不是单纯哪个专业就能决定的.
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发表于 2004-2-21 20:04 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2004-2-21 20:08 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2004-2-22 19:50 | 只看该作者

加拿大的图书馆专业有两种:Master Degree和Diploma。估计美国还有很少量的Bachelor Degree. 现在所有的librarian都要求拥有Master Degree,它的基本的定义为:

A librarian is a trained information specialist who holds a university undergraduate degree and a Master of Library and Information science (MLIS) degree. Librarians are trained to find and collect all types of information--books, newspapers, magazines, databases, websites, CDs, videos, government publications and any other type of publicly available data. They are also trained to develop systems to organize and manage this information so that it can be easily retrieved. Librarians design and deliver information services for their client groups as well.

Librarian一般已称作Professional,属于Senior Staff。而毕业于College拿Diploma的一般称Library Technician,只辅助Librarian工作,最多算Paraprofessional。不要小看这点区别,因为正常情况下Technician是不可能往Management Level升的,工资也不可能高,即使可能这个图书馆只有你一个人。这个阶层是分得很清的。所以除非你满足现状,很多人还是愿回学校再读个Master的。


Public Library, Academic Library (university or college), School Library, and Special Library. 大家最熟悉的是各个城市的公共图书馆和大学里的图书馆。

其实很多公司,政府部门,Nonprofit Organziation,Law Firm, Hospital等等都要Information Resource Center, 也是Library的一种形式,包括在Special Library中。

School Library本人认为是最难进的,因为需要有Education Degree, Teaching Experience(本地的) and Library Science Degree. 很多时候School Librarian need to teach some courses.

其次就是Academic Library. Because normally as a librarian in University, you need to have two master degrees, one of them is library science. College的可能要低一些,但很多也需要以前有Academic Library Experience,因为常常要辅导学生,协助Faculty do some research.

入门门槛比较低,并且工作机会多的是Public Library and Special Library。

那么一般Librarian做什么?主要有以下一些:Reference, Collection Development, Cataloguing, System Librarian, Information Research.

Reference Librarian我以前介绍过,主要是答疑解难,回答读者,客户(一般是Special Library) 提出的问题,帮助找到有关信息。

Collection Development is responsible for acquisition of print materials, electronic resources, AV, and other library collection related project.

Cataloguing在国内称编目,负责将所有资料整理输入电脑供读者查询。它和System Librarian一般都属Technical Services, 整日与计算机打交道。

System Librarian, 顾名思义,主要是维护图书馆的集成系统, 同时可能还会做一些Web Design, Computer troubleshooting, 它是介于Computer Science和Library Science之间的,需要懂得两方面的知识。还有一些专门的网页设计工作也可要求有Library Science Degree.

Information Research类似Reference,可能更偏重某一专业或领域,往往是某个项目成员之一,起支持作用。基本是在Special Library。也有很多公司没有专门的部门,只提供一个Contract.

Librarian的工作工资不高,起薪低,感觉比IT要少1/3 – 1/2。Entry Level about 30-40K, if Library Technician, about 25K. 但工作较稳定,很少有Layoff的。而且感觉工作机会不怎么随经济的起伏而变化。要想涨工资,一般要隔几年跳一跳。

找Librarian的工作,English和Communication Skill是非常重要的。其他的一般学校都能教会,但这两项还是要靠自己的能力。看看招聘信息,一般都要求Excellent Communication skills, 我们移民就吃亏在这里, 特别是本人,英语底子不够,求职是屡战屡败,屡败屡战,在多伦多时有两次都过了两轮面试,最后还是杀羽而归,搞得现在沦落在这中部小城市中。所以建议英语不好的还是别学,或者学的话,也注重学习图书馆系统方面,如Cataloguing,这样就减少和人打交道的机会. 我的Native classmate基本上都找到工作,很多到美国去了。因为美国在九十年代砍了不少Library Schools, Librarian需求量较高,机会多。必我早毕业的中国同学很少,我认识的一个找了将近大半年,在多伦多一家医院做database maintenance. 另一个到美国去了。


加拿大只有七所大学提供Library Science Degree, 又叫Library and Information Science, or Information Studies. 最好的是UofT的Faculty of Information Studies. 其次应该是UBC和UWO,MCGILL的也还凑合。据我所了解,UofT一直不招中国移民,这也可从他们的Admission中可看出,要求托福600分以上,写作6分!有同学告诉我,5。5分他们都明确告诉你没戏。其他的学校要求托福600分以上,写作一般5分。幸运的是我报考UWO时当时托福只要580,我刚好挤进去。现在中国人报的越来越多,一个学期进3-4个中国学生,结果水涨船高,托福分也就高了。University of Alberta还要GRE。

大多学校是两年制的,只有UWO可以一年读完,所以很多BC学生到伦敦来读。另外UWO的Co-op很好,你可以有两个学期的Co-op机会,不仅可挣钱,最主要增加Canadian experience,对毕业找工作很有用。由于Library Science没有undergraduate degree, 进来的学生一般是有其他专业的Bachelor degree,这也是Library Science的一个特点,因为你工作中要查找的信息往往是其他专业领域的,如果你有这专业的知识,很容易找到并和客户沟通。如果你有有关生物,医学的背景,比较容易在各大医院的Library or Information Resource Center找到工作。

如果你有其他专业的Master Degree, 前面讲到较容易在Academic Library中找到工作。当然PhD就有些over qualified, 反而难找工作,除非教书(这个机会也少)。我大部份同学都是Social Science的。另外由于加拿大只有七所大学有该专业(其中University of Montreal还是法语的) ,所以常常会遇到校友,套套交情也会有意想不到的作用。我的Manager就是我的校友,心里猜想她招我是不是也有这个因素埃

最后补充一句,这个领域是Women Dominate,记得看过一份资料,加拿大在九十年代中期做过一个调查,看图书馆是不是有性别歧视(对男性) 。

Some Related Links:
CLA (Canadian Library Association)

Canadian Universities that provide degree:

Library Technician Program

UofT collect very good information on library job. You can check and get kind of sense what kind job for Librarian and Library Technician.
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2004-2-22 22:36 | 只看该作者
Please go to www.ala.org and www.cla.ca to know much more about librarian

Become a Librarian

Librarian Generalist

Career Profile (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics)
The Top 10 Reasons to Be a Librarian
(article from American Libraries, October 2002)

Academic Librarian
Post-Master's Residency Programs

Research Library Residency & Internship Programs
Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) Recruiting to the Profession

Children and Youth Services Librarian (For a printer-friendly, text-only version)

Law Librarian

Medical Librarian

Music Librarian

Public Librarian

School Librarian
School Library Media Education Programs

Reference and Technical Services Librarian  

Educational Policies and Competencies
List of Educational Policy Statements compiled by the ALA Office for Accreditation

Support Staff
Library Assistant

Library Technician

Library Support Staff Resource Center

List of Support Staff Positions in Libraries
Alberta | British Columbia | Nova Scotia | Ontario | Quebec |


University of Alberta
School of Library and Information Studies
3-20 Rutherford South
Edmonton, AB, Canada T6G 2J4

Phone: 780-492-4578 Fax: 780-492-2430
slis@ualberta.ca www.slis.ualberta.ca/  
Anna E. Altmann, Acting Director   
Admissions Contact: Chair, Admssions Committee
Phone: 780-492-4578   

Degrees accredited by the American Library Association (with date of next review):
  Master of Library and Information Studies (2004)

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British Columbia
The University of British Columbia
School of Library, Archival and Information Studies
#301-6190 Agronomy Road
Vancouver, BC, Canada V6T 1Z3

Phone: 604-822-2404 Fax: 604-822-6006
www.slais.ubc.ca slais@interchange.ubc.ca
Edie Rasmussen, Professor & Director   
Admissions contact: Admissions Secretary
Phone: 604-822-2404  slais.admissions@ubc.ca

Degrees accredited by the American Library Association (with date of next review):
  Master of Library and Information Studies (2006)

Other degrees or certificates:
  Certificate of Advanced Study (post-Master)
Master of Archival Studies
First Nations Curriculum Concentration (Master's program)
Master of Archival Studies/Master of Library and Information Studies
Master of Arts in Children's Literature
Master of Arts/Master of Education (Teacher-Librarianship)

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Nova Scotia
Dalhousie University
School of Library and Information Studies
Faculty of Management
Halifax, NS, Canada B3H 3J5

Phone: 902-494-3656 Fax: 902-494-2451
www.mgmt.dal.ca/slis/ slis@dal.ca
Fiona A. Black, Acting Director   
Admissions contact: Judy Dunn   

Degrees accredited by the American Library Association (with date of next review):
  Master of Library and Information Studies (2005)
Other degrees or certificates:
  MLIS/Bachelor of Laws
Bachelor of Management

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University of Toronto
Faculty of Information Studies
140 St. George Street
Toronto, ON, Canada M5S 3G6

Phone: 416-978-8589 Fax: 416-978-5762
Brian Cantwell Smith , Dean
Admissions contact: Pamela Hawes hawes@fis.utoronto.ca

Degrees accredited by the American Library Association (with date of next review):
  Master of Information Studies (2010)
Other degrees or certificates:

The University of Western Ontario
Graduate Programs in Library and Information Science
Faculty of Information and Media Studies
Middlesex College
London, ON, Canada N6A 5B7

Phone: 519-661-4017 Fax: 519-661-3506
fimsdean@julian.uwo.ca www.fims.uwo.ca/
Catherine Ross, Professor and Dean
Admissions contact: Phone: 519-661-4017
mlis@uwo.ca    or    phd@uwo.ca

Degrees accredited by the American Library Association (with date of next review):
  Master of Library and Information Science (2004)
Other degrees or certificates:  
  Ph.D. - Library and Information Science

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McGill University
Graduate School of Library and Information Studies
3459 McTavish Street
Montreal, Quebec, Canada H3A 1Y1

Phone: 514-398-4204 Fax: 514-398-7193
www.gslis.mcgill.ca gslis@mcgill.ca
Jamshid Beheshti, Director   
Admissions contact: Dorothy Carruthers   

Degrees accredited by the American Library Association (with date of next review):
  Master of Library and Information Studies (2009)
Other degrees or certificates:  
  Ph.D. (Ad Hoc) - Library and Information Studies
Graduate Diploma in Library and Information Studies
Graduate Certificate in Library and Information Studies

Université de Montréal
Ecole de bibliothéconomie et des sciences de l'information
C.P. 6128, succursale Centre-Ville
Montréal, Québec, Canada H3C 3J7

Phone: 514-343-6044 Fax: 514-343-5753
Carol Couture, Directeur carol.coutre@umontreal.ca
Admissions contact: Diane Mayer diane.mayer@umontreal.ca

Degrees accredited by the American Library Association (with date of next review):
  Maîtrise en sciences de l'information (2007)
Other degrees or certificates:
  Doctorat en sciences de l'information (graduate)
Certificat en archivistique (undergraduate)
Certificat en gestion de l'information numérique (undergraduate)

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************************************************  Top] What these workers do

Librarians help people find facts. They organize information and help people locate books and other items. Librarians choose and buy books and magazines. They arrange the books and magazines so that people can find them. Many librarians work in teams to get the job done.

Some work in one subject such as art. Others read stories to children. Librarians work in schools and public libraries. They also work in special libraries, such as libraries at companies.

Today, most libraries have computers as well as books and magazines. Librarians may develop data bases for use in these computers. They also help people use the computer to find what they need.

[Top] What the job is like

Librarians generally work in nice places. They spend much of their time at their desks or at the computer. They spend time helping people. Many librarians like this part of the job best. Librarians may work part time or full time. Sometimes they have to work weekends or evenings. School librarians work when schools are open; they are off during school vacations. Special librarians usually work 40 hours a week.
They may work longer hours at busy times.

[Top] Jobs

Librarians held about 149,000 jobs in 2000. Most jobs were in schools. Other jobs were in public or special libraries. A few jobs were in hospitals or government agencies.

[Top] Preparing for the job

You need a master's degree in library science to be a librarian. Many schools offer library science programs. A college degree in any major can prepare you for the master's program. Most programs take 1 year to complete; some programs take 2 years. In most States, school librarians must have a teaching certificate.

Librarians should like to read and have good computer skills.

[Top] The future

Jobs for librarians are expected to grow more slowly than the average for all occupations over the 2000-10 period. The use of computers to store and retrieve information means that librarians can do more work in less time. It also means that others, such as library technicians, can handle some of the work instead of librarians. Replacing those who retire also will provide some jobs for librarians.

There are libraries in nearly every community. It is easier to find a job in a rural area than in a large city, where most graduates want to work.

More people are going to library school so the graduates face competition. Applicants with good computer skills are more likely to find jobs. Many of them find jobs in places other than libraries.

[Top] Pay

One half of all librarians earned between $ 32,840 and $52,110 a year in 2000. The lowest 10 percent earned less than $25,030. The highest 10 percent earned more than $62,990 a year.

[Top] Similar jobs

Information scientists
Museum curators
Publishers' representatives
Research analysts
Information brokers
Records managers
School teachers

[Top] Where to look for more information

Disclaimer: Links to non-BLS Internet sites are provided for your convenience and do not constitute an endorsement.

American Library Association
Office for Human Resource Development and Recruitment
50 East Huron St.
Chicago, IL 60611

Special Libraries Association
1700 18th St. NW.
Washington, DC 20009

Association for Library and Information Science Education
P.O. Box 7640
Arlington, VA 22207

American Association of Law Libraries
53 West Jackson Blvd.
Suite 940
Chicago, IL 60604

Medical Library Association
6 N. Michigan Ave.
Suite 300
Chicago, IL 60602

Library of Congress
Human Resources Office
101 Independence Ave. SE.
Washington, DC 20504-2231


Edited by Lindy Stephens
The 2003 CALL/ACBD Salary and Benefits survey was tabulated and analyzed by the
Dalhousie University Statistical Consulting Service. As was done with the last survey, this
survey was emailed to our members. In total, 325 surveys were sent and 160 or 49% of the
surveys were returned. I had anticipated that the rate of return would be better than in 2000
(45%) as more people are using email, etc., so the number of returned surveys is
The one surprising result of this survey is that average salaries have increased quite
substantially since 2000. Salaries increased an average of almost $10,000 by geographic area
and an average of over $11,000 by type of library. In 2000, 12% of the respondents made over
$70,000 while, in 2003, this percentage jumped to 33% and, in 2000, only 2% of the
respondents made over $90,000 while, in 2003, 9% were in this category.
Otherwise, survey results were consistent with previous surveys. Gender, type of
library, job position, education, and experience were statistically significant factors affecting
Males still do make more on average ($71,000) than females ($60,800). Those in
academic libraries continue to make more money than those working in other library settings.
The academics average $81,000 while those in courthouse/law society libraries average
$55,900. Those in government libraries average $62,200 and those in the private/corporate
setting average $60,300. A librarian who supervises professionals averages $78,200 while a
librarian who has no administrative responsibilities averages $60,300. A librarian with a
MLS/BLS and a law degree averages more ($79,500) than a librarian with a MLS/BLS
($66,200). As the number of years of experience in law libraries increases, so does the average
salary ($52,500 for 1 - 5 years, $59,300 for 11 -15 years and $68,900 for 21 - 25 years).
Geographic region again proved to be less of a statistically significant factor. That said,
the lowest average salary is in Sask./Man. ($55,800) and the highest average salary is in
B.C./Yukon ($66,000).
As in the last survey, more respondents did receive a salary increase this past year,
92% as compared to 86% in 2000. Those receiving an increase of 1%-5% made up 80% of
the respondents while 12% received salary increases of 6% or more.
Factors Affecting Salaries
The following tables tabulate the average salary by factors influencing salaries. Where
relevant, some tables include the average salaries in the lower 10% and the upper 90% of
respondents. SE (Standard Error) indicates a possibility of the "average" being wrong by plus
or minus the amount. Note that where the SE is large it may be an indication that there were
very few respondents in that category.
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发表于 2004-2-22 22:42 | 只看该作者
2003 survey for law librarian

Gender Number Average Salary
Female 135 $60,800
Male 23 $71,000
Library 10% Average 90% SE
Academic $57,500 $81,000 $97,500 3,210
Courthouse/Law Society $27,500 $55,900 $87,500 3,140
Government $52,500 $62,200 $72,500 2,480
Private/Corporate $37,500 $60,300 $77,500 1,780
Region Average SE
B.C./Yukon $66,000 2,500
Alberta/N.W.T. $56,600 3,300
Sask./Man. $55,800 7,070
Ontario $63,200 2,530
Quebec $64,600 3,040
Atlantic $61,600 4,010
Position 10% Average 90% SE
Manager $57,500 $78,200 $97,500 1,970
(supervise professionals)

Manager (do not $37,500 $56,200 $72,500 2,470
supervise professionals)
Assistant Librarian $47,500 $63,000 $82,500 3,050
Librarian $42,500 $60,300 $97,500 5,340
Librarian in a $32,500 $49,700 $62,500 2,100
one or two person library
*one category was omitted because there were too few respondents
Education Average SE
MLS/BLS $66,200 1,490
MLS/BLS and Law Degree $79,500 4,570
Lib. Tech. Diploma $44,000 3,550
LTD/University Degree $45,600 3,980
University Degree $41,700 4,170
Other** $59,400 6,880
*three categories were omitted because there were too few respondents
**law degree, incomplete MISt, MMns and BFA; post-grad certificate; legal secretary
diploma; MISt and MA; MLS and graduate degree; MLS and MA; college diploma, not
library specific plus MA; MPA, MLIS and MA
Experience Average SE
1 - 5 years $52,500 3,140
6 - 10 years $58,100 2,620
11 - 15 years $59,300 2,980
16 - 20 years $65,200 3,510
21 - 25 years $68,900 3,710
26 or more $72,800 4,520
*one category was omitted because there were too few respondents
Experience Average SE
1 - 5 years $50,400 8,990
6 - 10 years $53,800 1,750
11 - 15 years $61,600 2,700
16 - 20 years $62,000 4,060
21 - 25 years $62,800 3,630
26 or more years $68,800 2,680
*one category was omitted because there were too few respondents
The next five tables list average salary by geographic region and type of library, by level of
education and type of library, by level of education and geographic region (new), by job
position and level of education, and by job position and type of library (new). Where the
number of respondents in any SIG category, any level of education category, or any job
position category was too few (fewer than 6) to ensure confidentiality, the information was not
included. However, where possible, the "average" is given for all types of libraries, for all
levels of education, and for all job positions.
Region Library Average SE
B.C./Yukon Private (18) $64,700 2,530
All (27) $66,000 2,500
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2004-2-24 23:00 | 只看该作者
It is nice to read so many interesting articles, especially in Chinese. It feels like a shame that I can't type in Chinese. Anyway, just a brief post to tell everyone that I enjoy reading the informative posts under this topic and I wonder if I can find any future classmates here. I am going to start my study this fall at McGill. My email is hyhangela@yahoo.ca and I am currently living in Toronto. I need to exchange information or get help from other since I have never been in Montreal and I don't know anyone directly. Hope to get response from some of you guys and I also want to thank all who provided either positive or negative feedback about the librarian profession. It gives me an idea of the whole picture. Thanks, everyone! I am glad someone told me this website!
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发表于 2004-2-25 16:55 | 只看该作者
men,上次你说你收到的录取信一共是一封还是两封?我今天收到了GSLIS的信,告诉我他们已经建议GRADUATE AND POSTDOCTORAL OFFICE录取我。
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发表于 2004-2-25 21:34 | 只看该作者
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