// Hey, I am not here persuading or preventing anybody to TRANSFER TO or ABORT the field of CS or EE. Let us just analyze some facts.
// Here I assume you are an immigrant from China to Canada, and assume your original profession is not CS or EE.
// You can definitely consider transfering to these two fields
//.. You are sill so young to enter a totally new field
.. You are willing to give up your achievement in your original field up to now.
.. All of a sudden or whatever, you find that you are actually so interested in CS or EE. This is not a problem of your "eyesight", but a fact that you finally locked your interest in your life. I would be very happy to say "congratulations" to you.
.. You want to get somewhere in CS or EE although you are brand new AND you don't mind working extremely hard to catch up with those who are already professional in this field.
.. You either have enough money to support your life even your family, or you are optimistic enough that you don't mind IF you can not find job in the NEAR future. Yes you may find a job finally, due to the BRIGHT future of CS and EE. Actually, I never doubt that.
// Finally, I suggest you consider the typical reaction of people to the booming IT industry in the past years.
// During the past years, So many people, it may seem rediculous, rush into the IT industry from other fields and no one believe at that time that they have "near eyesight". FRANKLY AND PERSONALLY, I think that based on the common human nature, most of these people primarily aimed at "MAKING MONEY" instead of "ERSONAL INTEREST".
// In general, my opinion COMPLETELY DOES NOT apply to those people who have been keeping a keen interest in CS or EE from the beginning.
// Welcome any comments except malicious critic. |