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发表于 2003-5-16 20:48 | 只看该作者
walmar, u think U0 is a joke, u can keep laughing all the time, no one will mind   :p  

Mountie,nice to meet u 2,and thanx for ur help in advance~ i know! biochem gonna be extrem hard from U1,just look at the schedule! faint~~ hope i still can "enjoy" the time in mcgill.....~  
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发表于 2003-5-17 00:23 | 只看该作者
You don't think it's a joke?  I had the 4.0 GPA in U0, taking Calculus1,2 3, linear, gen chem, physics, computing, Org Chem 1 and 2.  but I could just get some A- B+ s in U2 Engineering.Some courses I just get fuccked in midterms so many times without knowing why!! You know why? because CEGEP student are just SO SAMRT and HARD working. U0 的时候, 没有CEGEP的人, 他们从U1开始, 所以有那么多的人那么差。你真的太天真了!

对不起, 其实我只是想让你有准备, 希望你遇到挫折(肯定会有)的时候, 不要太难过。  我也有时候很悲愤, 但是我们都没有办法。任何难关, 还是要渡过的。 在MCGILL这些年,经过那么多的困难, 看到周围那么多为理想而努力的人, 现在更坚定我奋斗的决心。 希望你也能战胜所以的困难, 当你离开MCGILL的时候, 一定觉得, 自己真的成长了很多。

还有,暑假你有在上ORG CHEM 么? 或者PHYSICAL CHEM? U1其实不难, 但是需要一点点信心。 :D
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发表于 2003-5-17 12:51 | 只看该作者
  谢谢walmar你的提醒,不然我还真是不知道未来的U1和U2是什么概念~~ 看来真的要努力了~~第一年算是我荒废了~太轻敌~ 原来CEGEP有那么多高手啊~  eek!  
  这个暑假我没有选课~~(晕死,现在才知道后果有多严重~~~)要是早有像你这样的前辈来说一句“Uo is a joke"就好了,呵呵~良药苦口嘛,以前都只看到乐观的一面~玩了一学期~下学期死定了。。。。 希望我能有点信心面对U1:P thanx~
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发表于 2003-5-17 14:03 | 只看该作者
I am not 前辈. I am just one of you guys. I am still an international student. I know how Chinese young students like u and me, at the ages around 20, 21, 22, suffer from McGill University so I understand u, indeed.

and, between Statistic and Cal 3, and Java, I remember you've got to choose one. I suggest you do Cal3 in July if you are not going home. It's easier to handle than Java FOR SURE, and it is easier in summer.  Java(Comp 202) is a pain, I did that in U0, from which I suffered too much, though ended up with an A. It is not worthy to spend that much time on this course, nor to suffer. Statistic is a joke, I heard. But it is offered in May, and you've missed it. In long term, you don't have time for it, because you will have others to suffer from.
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发表于 2003-5-17 15:48 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2003-5-17 23:41 | 只看该作者
well...definitely, McGill courses are getting harder and harder.To Biochem, the harderst time is in U1 and U2. the killer course is BIOL202: Basic Genetics, BIOC311:Metabolic Biochemistry. The class average cound be 60 around...so, prepare to spend day and night on study ba. Cocomagic, tell you a little secret basic on my experience, go borrow some old NTC from people, the contents may not changed much, preview it before go to class dos REALLY HELP. after 4 years in McGill, you'll realize you leaned a lot...but also forgeted a lot =P

I don't really take summer courses. There is an advantage that summer courses does marked easier...however, increasing you experience is critically important! that make your CV and experience different from other. For graduate study and work, the experience count critically importance...GPA need to be fine also la. For biochem, find a research experience as involved in summer project is really vital. also, that a way to let you making sure about you want be in the way of being scientist or else!
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发表于 2003-5-17 23:43 | 只看该作者
actually, i am doing graduate study in University of Toronto recently. However, I'll back to McGill for PhD in Neuroscience. I do really love McGill more!!
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发表于 2003-5-18 00:23 | 只看该作者
Mountie, 有你说话的地方吗? 谁问你什么问题了?还有, 做RESEARCH是吧,我说了, SCIENCE SUCCKS!!! GO AND GET A PROFESSIONAL WORK!
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发表于 2003-5-18 00:55 | 只看该作者
淼小楼, 我认为在MCGILL学暑假,对于我们ENGINEERING的学生, 主要原因是要争取在4年里毕业。 我们有140个学分要学, SCIENCE只有120个。 我第一年的时候40个学分, 第2年35个。。。 现在还不能确定可以什么时候毕业。   我觉得暑假里数学是最简单的课了, 虽然很快, 但是一般来说FINAL会简单。 关键问题是, 你得预习, 否则就一定会很痛苦。没关系的, 想一想, 痛苦在12天里就要结束了, 多好啊。 还有, 你没有智商的问题, 其实所有人的感觉和你都一样, 他们也什么都不懂呢, 呵呵

虽然MCGILL的SCIENCE 没有ENGINEERING那样有名, 但是我还是看到很多SCIENCE的学生很努力的学习, 这样就很值得尊重。 虽然ENGINEERING 每年有30%左右的人被淘汰, 最后毕业的只有40%,但是我们还是没有看不起SCIENCE的人, 我们尊重象我们一样努力的人。
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发表于 2003-5-18 10:55 | 只看该作者
3 year: be as gental as a you should be! and be humble as a smart people you are.

I'm just giving the suggestion to Cocomagic since we are from the same field. especially i have special experiences.

remember, Engineer is basic on Science. also, I am doing doing Cancer and Vaccine develoment, also I specialized on Neuronal development and regeneration. I think that's a great contribution to humanbeeing. Scientest is more as a contribution ans sacrifice, be respect on them. Also, I got as good GPA as 4.0 as you in U0 and keeping up to 3.5 till I graduate. All McGill people are as awesome and you do.
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