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有人已经考过了CA ,CMA或CGA吗?

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发表于 2003-11-29 01:02 | 只看该作者
Most of your concern is which accounting designation provides better employment opportunity and their difference at work.

CGA-Certified General Accountant
CMA-Certified Mgmt Accountant
CA-Chartered Accountant
CPA- US Certified Public Accountant
CFA- US Chartered Financial Analyst

Financial Accounting: A/P, A/R, G/L...
CGA and CA

Auditing: CA,CPA and CGA (in western provinces) to sign an audit report. Given the potential risk of professional liability, the accountants will perform jobs, and partners sign on reports.

Mgmt Accounting: Costing, budgeting, revenue analyst...--CMA, CA

Any accounting designation is a big asset to your job earching, however, employers also look for "soft skills"--team spirit, communication (bilingualism, especially French in QC), writeing skill ...etc.

If your are an accounting student in undergraduate, I suggest you to prepare and pass CGA exams as you are completing your degrees. You can also try CMA (2 days) exam if your are not too bad in writing a business report.

CA needs more study after undergraduate. In QC, you must take CA diploma in Concordia, Mcgill, HEC or other French U. for appro. 2 years, the cost of membership due and 3 days UFE( exam )fees are higher. Ontario has less restricted educational requirement. other provinces has different system of educational requirement. All candidate has to pass UFE.

If you want to work in accounting in Canada, you have to acquire Canadian experiences as soon as possible. Then you can find out your interest in either financial accounting, costing, auditing, or taxation. You donot want to be overqualified. Understand that there are many people who work as A/P, A/R do not have accounting degree. It is your Canadian experience which the Canadian employer is looking for.

You have to work not only harder, but also smarter to be a successful accountant!
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发表于 2003-11-29 07:40 | 只看该作者
Hi Pop Corn, you are really warmhearted.If there is any group discussion, i want to join it.My Email: hoojeff@hotmail.com   
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 楼主| 发表于 2003-11-30 01:28 | 只看该作者
to lemonaid_168:

如果你在中国有本科学历, 又想考CA, 就直接申请HEC的DESS en Comptablité Publique (Graduate Diploma of Public Accounting). 补13-15门课就可以上diploma 的课程。顺利的话,3-4年可以读完。相关网页:


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 楼主| 发表于 2003-11-30 01:36 | 只看该作者
To PornCorn:

Thanks for the proposal. Well, it is quite difficult to reserve a conference room in uni. However, we can probably hold the meeting in a small studying room in HEC during weekdays if there are not too many participants.   

What do you think?
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发表于 2003-11-30 09:45 | 只看该作者
If there is a meeting, can I join?
e-mail: bluequebec@yahoo.ca
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发表于 2003-11-30 18:36 | 只看该作者
I also want to join!  :rolleyes:
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发表于 2003-11-30 22:32 | 只看该作者

The proposal is getting serious now. We need a big room(min 10 peoples) for the meeting. The best place is in University. I will also try to look for other souces, such as a church, student associations, professional associations...etc. Let us all work on it.

People who are interested should provide their Eng/Ch name, phone no., reasons to join, professions,and suggestions to my email:

It would be appreciated that someone can also volunteer to assist in the arrangement of meeting with me. If you know any Chinese who are CA/CMA/CGA members and are willing to share their experience, please also send me email. I should call them back shortly.


Pop Corn
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发表于 2003-12-1 00:20 | 只看该作者


1) 你一定得挑好时间,平时肯定不行的,周末由于现在是year end,要找这些A们也不容易,大家都忙着,除非碰到特热心的;

2) 地点我觉得类似second cup之类的downtown咖啡馆可能比较好,当然最后是周末别人好停车什么的;

3) 其实很多信息网上都有的,大家自己去那些协会的网站了解就可以了,可以索取资料,career path也因为每个人背景而不一样。

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发表于 2003-12-1 10:40 | 只看该作者
忍不住在这里说一下, POP CORN 你实在是太热心了. 我们很辛运啊,在刚到这里就能得到你的指点.


POP CORN,如果有需要协助,请随时找我啊!
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发表于 2003-12-1 17:55 | 只看该作者

the meeting time is this Saturday from 9 to 11:30AM.

the other information will be emailed to you tomorrow.


Pop Corn
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