:mad: :mad: I really like to go back to China. Canada is a country people are money and class chasing. Making money here is very hard. Even studying in school, students are very knowledge chasing too. Don't you see the politicians, university professors and business men, the rich people, what they really care more about people and this country. 一个个油光水滑,道冒岸然。They are lots of pool people in Canada, like our pool Chinese. The moral value here is a mass, even though it is a peaceful mation. America is much much better than here. But look at the Katrina, the moral value in America has problems too.
If you really think so, I agree you should go back to China.
Different places suit different people, that's the reality.
Post by xhu
:mad: :mad: I really like to go back to China. Canada is a country people are money and class chasing. Making money here is very hard. Even studying in school, students are very knowledge chasing too. Don't you see the politicians, university professors and business men, the rich people, what they really care more about people and this country. 一个个油光水滑,道冒岸然。They are lots of pool people in Canada, like our pool Chinese. The moral value here is a mass, even though it is a peaceful mation. America is much much better than here. But look at the Katrina, the moral value in America has problems too.
l like Canada because i feel i can develop myself better here than in China. I love china because i still love its life. I choose to stay here because i make more money here, i feel homesick because i still like asian crowd, night life and many friends. People are different, nobody is wrong. you do whatever you like to do