Trans Canada Bike Trail 是一个贯穿全加的自行车道, 负责集资的组织是个非营利机构,有关该Trail 的详细情况,请看 http://www.tctrail.ca/home.php - 为了改善和建造新的车道, 该组织每年花大量的人力面向社会集资。
如果你捐款75元以上, 你的大名就会被刻在你所选的车道旁的亭子间的铜牌上 ,另外他们会送你一个Duffle bag- 我今天又捐了一次, 所选亭子是在 Chambly, 因为这是我们车队刚开始骑车时就去的地方, 很值得留念。
如果哪位朋友在经济上允许的情况下, 可以上网捐款, 千里车道,有您的贡献,将早日贯穿全加 , 功德无量
捐款后你会收到 Tax Receipt, 年底报税时可以抵部分税
捐款后, 他们会发一份感谢信:
Dear 滑雪爱好者
Thank you for supporting the Trans Canada Trail. It started as a celebration of Canada’s 125th birthday; a dream inspired by our history of trailblazing and by the institutions that bind us together. First there was a railway, then a highway, and now the Trail.
Canada’s Trail is being created by volunteers with the support of local citizens (like you), local trail building groups, merchants, municipal leaders, governments and media who all play a role in the creation, promotion and maintenance of their section of trail.
By sharing in our vision, you’ve made a lasting contribution for all Canadians to enjoy.
The Trans Canada Trail
43 Westminster North,
Montreal, Quebec H4X 1Y8
Email: info@tctrail.ca
Toll free phone: 1-800-465-3636 |