戴小红花是为了Remembrance Day, 11月11日,第一次世界大战结束纪念日,英、法、美、加等西方国家都会举行纪念活动,已不仅仅是一战,是纪念所有战争阵亡者。对加拿大而言,主要是纪念一战、二战、朝鲜战争及现在的反恐战争阵亡者。每年11月11日电视都会现场直播渥太华的纪念仪式(上午10点左右)。
支持Tap的观点:Yes, you must know the meaning of it before deciding. Nobody would and should blame you for wearing that red flower. You are FREE to all what you do.
To me, I WOULD NEVER! I prefer donate money to breast cancer research!
支持renee7的观点:Everyone has his/her own logic and thinkings.
I just thought that it would be good to know what it realy meant before deciding to wear it or not.
作为一个中国人,我不会戴它,因为朝鲜战争的缘故;作为一个加拿大华人,你可以作出你自己的决定。 |