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发表于 2006-3-10 03:20 | 只看该作者
还有, 大家不要窝里斗, 说我们中国人这不好,那不好,尤其在外人面前,我们一定要挺起腰杆,我始终为我是一个中国人骄傲...其实每个民族都有他的优点缺点,大家都要相互取长补短....我们也不要指着唐人街老板的鼻子要他们捐钱(可能我们打工时受过他们的气),等你发了财,捐了钱,你才有资格说别人.大家在外面都不容易,不要相互指责, 要相互扶持才对.我也很赞成007得建议,很多话都说到了实处.
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发表于 2006-3-10 12:53 | 只看该作者

Get organized, do whatever we can, based on certain proirities(our common inte

Nobody is perfect, not to say Jewish as a whole group of people.

Although our traditions always tried to erect HERO (typically unselfish) as general public's model to follow, that is not an objective approach. Chairman Mao was not always right. Did Mr. Zhu Rongji satisfy every Chinese?

The real dilema for our Chinese is hard to find an HERO. So when we live in an era without real HERO or erected HERO, we somehow don't know how to gain our common interests.

Western democratic countires found another way around for general public common interests --- DEMOCRACY. The citizens have the chance to elect their representive for their common interests. Everybody understands the representive cannot be perfect. But if the representive (LEADER) is too powerful, he/she might abuse the power which was given by people but in his control. For this, the democratic system has at least 2 ways to restrain the superpower from abusing his power. One is the Separation of powers, (namely Chief  Justice  Legislation  Three government agencies to exist, equality and the political system of checks and balances.), the other is that the LEADER can only be in power for certain terms.

The trick here for the common interests is: the mechanism doesnot garrantee the perfect representive (which I believe is an impossilbe mission), but it does help to find the BEST one for their common interests. And there is always opportunities to make corrections if the leader is really bad. BTW, even if we can pick one perfect guy as our representive, how can we make sure we can have one for all the time?

Jewish people are not perfect. But I do think that they do have sth that we can learn from and make use of for our common interests.

One thing is that they know how to make use of societies resources, the other, for sure, is that they unite pretty well, which makes it possible for them to fight for their common interests.

However, if they really incurs a lot of complains from the community they live in, that is not good anyway. But if they become too powerful, in control of the key social resources, what can the local society do?

Hopefully, we can delve into our merits, combined with good things we learn from other ethic groups, to make our contribution to local community of Canada, then we will be able to have better image in the western society, and live a better life.
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发表于 2006-3-11 00:24 | 只看该作者

谋事在人, 凡事有个过程

人无完人,不必苛求。Nature007 的见解我基本赞同。显然,他那些想法不能靠某一两个人去做。




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加联华乐业论坛 BBS: www.jobspace.info/bbs/index.php
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发表于 2006-3-11 13:39 | 只看该作者


我一直以 sinoquebec.com 为我的精神家园。


人说:言者无心,听者有意。以前说过的话,不能都记得了。没料到上文让 Mr. play joke 感到受了愚弄,我深感惶恐,担心还有其他人有同感,鄙人实在无愚人之心,特此深表歉意。


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发表于 2006-3-11 15:27 | 只看该作者



雄      友      
一      不
笑      打
泯      不
恩      相
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发表于 2006-3-12 22:49 | 只看该作者


大型 EPC 公司 Fluor's job fair:  
Montreal, Quebec
Thursday, March 16, 2006
Holiday Inn - Midtown
Ambassaderu Hall B
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Process Engineers
Project Engineers & Managers
Mechanical Engineers
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Contracts Managers & Administrators
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To be well prepared, please check Fluor's website, and Calgary's Chinese Forum 蒲公英生活社区:
加联华开源乐业空间URL: www.jobspace.info
加联华乐业论坛      BBS: www.jobspace.info/bbs/index.php
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发表于 2006-3-23 15:22 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2006-4-5 22:55 | 只看该作者

Charity Board

Another board that provides a sound platform for us is:

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发表于 2006-4-15 15:21 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2006-4-16 16:21 | 只看该作者
有道理。 轰轰烈烈的共产主义教把一国之财尽掌手中,也没让它的教民富起来。
百花齐放才是真正长久的兴亡,所以日本终久无法旺过美国。而中国虽暂时尚不足够富,有可能旺过美国。 正如武功的最高境界是无招。


Post by iuiuiuiu
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