No. My parents-in-law applied at Montreal. So I know in Montreal, it is almost impossible.
, `. a. T3 E: |Before applying, I asked a lot of friends (including organization), all gave me negative responses. But at that moment, what I thought was similar to what LZ thinks (签到与否机会均等, 全凭造化. 有人顺利拿到, 有人被锯其实无道理可言. 就去赌一把运气.<!-- / message --><!-- sig -->...) . More, my father-in-law insisted on applying.
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But I know (100% sure), somebody got VISA at Ottawa. Also from this Thread, I know (I guess it should be true) somebody got VISA at Quebec City, Toronto.
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So, in short, I think it's better to apply USA VISA for your parents at other cities. I recommend Ottawa. In Ottawa, you may have chance but in Montreal, you don't have chance, in normal case. |