楼主: Angel
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发表于 2002-12-16 14:30 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2002-12-16 16:43 | 只看该作者
To Rainbow11: 我个人的意见是,我们都是来自五湖四海,为了共同的目标,走到一起来了...所以,申请书应该是不必写,但党费好象是要交的,唔...要不这样,您就准备点火腿香肠什么的吧。一家之见,还需党委会定夺。
TO 悠然:你是关键人物啊,哪少的了。可别那么没组织没纪律的,要起表率作用呀!
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发表于 2002-12-16 17:36 | 只看该作者
In the passing couples of months, it took me much more efforts both physically and mentally even emotionally to find out if I were eligible to be a member of ANGEL’s friend circle.  Unfortunately I am not. So far, I do have some clues after carefully reading all the posts. I beg Angel’s pardon if the clues released here are in any conflicts with your confidential CONSTITUTION.

Each item has equal mark( 1 mark).

1.Strong LITERATURE background for catching the main idea and understood the imply meaning between lines and words.  
2.Great IMAGNATION for creating NEW WORDS & PHRASES.
3.Liking to read JINYONG’s novels for attractive and funny description of each meeting.
4.Enjoying  QIONGYAO’s books for getting any emotional support.
5.Self-motivated to browse the BBS everyday for getting first-hand information.
6.Capable of recovering in a quit short period of time after hurt by someone like wang8.
7.Well-know the history for citing some good old stories.
8.feeling good at least not too bad to the current situation.
9.Full of hope for the future.
10.Age and Appearance???? Negotiable! ( I saw ANGEL two times when I was borrowing  Chinese cassettes in Concordia. It seems she never paid attention to me even I would like to say Hello to her. My conclusion is) Relative Younger and well-dressed as well as good looking.

Junior member: 6 marks;  Senior member: 8 marks. Chairman: 10 marks(no guarantee) +???.
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发表于 2002-12-16 20:40 | 只看该作者
第三,是angel提醒俺的,本来俺都忘了。她说俺和他们帮的lzhou是死对头,俺要是去了,lzhou就不敢去了。为了把最美好的时光留给sino第二酸菜子lzhou,让远道而来的网友有机会欣赏lzhou的风流倜党,俺只好牺牲自己,这是多么令人感动的高尚情操啊,hahaha. Can't stop laughing!
okok, best regards to everyone! Escape......
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发表于 2002-12-17 11:04 | 只看该作者

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 楼主| 发表于 2002-12-17 11:12 | 只看该作者
Oh, my God!

My comments:

1.Strong LITERATURE background for catching the main idea and understood the imply meaning between lines and words.

1 mark

As a secretary, you have to be able to not only catch ideas of your boss between lines and words, but also observe carefully and guess the intention and purpose of any visitor or stranger sitting in front of you and make a decision immediately if he should be introduced to your boss.

2.Great IMAGNATION for creating NEW WORDS & PHRASES.

0 mark

I don't have any imagination to create anything even though I hope I can do it like MENGHAN. I just have a certain sense of humour which makes me a little bit different from others. However, my posts are all in the same style and you guys might feel boring after a while.

3.Liking to read JINYONG’s novels for attractive and funny description of each meeting.

0 mark.

This time you are absolutely wrong. Frankly speaking, I never read his novels except for 1 TV series named as SHE DIAO YING XIONG ZHUAN. I hate to read novels regarding GONG FU.

4.Enjoying QIONGYAO’s books for getting any emotional support.

1 mark

Yes, I read her novels overnight when I was young. I firmly believe there is LOVE in our life.  

5.Self-motivated to browse the BBS everyday for getting first-hand information.

1 mark

It's a good way to kill time & get to know new friends. You can find your friends with common interests and desires from reading their posts.

6.Capable of recovering in a quit short period of time after hurt by someone like wang8.

1 mark

Absolutely right. I can easily forget any unhappy experience and always try to forgive people who hurts me. Wang8 cannot hurt me at all. Only the one I care and I love can hurt me.

7.Well-know the history for citing some good old stories.

0 mark.

I know nothing about the history. You know what? When I was in middle school, my marks for both History and Geography were always about 60 or more. My good memory doesn't work to them.

8.feeling good at least not too bad to the current situation.

1 mark.

Yes, don't be disappointed at anytime and under any circumstance. I could realize my dreams one day as long as I don't give them up. Without hope and dream, one cannot feel happy about his lfe.

9.Full of hope for the future.

1 mark

When I was a little girl, I was full of hope of my future and my career life. I dreamed to be a secretary, traval guide and CEO. Now the dreams are still in my mind. Moreover, children are the extension of our hope. They make us work even harder than ever.

10.Age and Appearance???? Negotiable! ( I saw ANGEL two times when I was borrowing Chinese cassettes in Concordia. It seems she never paid attention to me even I would like to say Hello to her. My conclusion is) Relative Younger and well-dressed as well as good looking.

0.5 mark

It's hard to say you are right or not. As a woman, I want to be younger and well-dressed as well as good looking. No one can deny it, right? Unfortunately, if you guys believe Laodao's description, I beg you will certainly be disaapointed when you see me.

BTW, Laodao, how could you make me out among lot of chinese at Concordia? I am just wondering if you took aother beautiful girl for me!!! You know I didn't go to library frequently in past term.


6.5 mark. Only a junior member. Sorry about that.
Sorry about my poor English. If I could write my comments in Chinese, I would guarantee you a much more interesting post than this one.

      wink    :cool:
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发表于 2002-12-17 11:26 | 只看该作者


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发表于 2002-12-17 11:30 | 只看该作者


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 楼主| 发表于 2002-12-17 11:52 | 只看该作者

After reading Helenzhang's post and yours one more time, I found I might make a mistake. What you listed are the requirements of being a member of our group?! If that's the case, even I myself, the nominal head of the group, can only be a junior member, rediculous!!! So who can be our chairman? Modern? TigerR? Lzhou? or even Menghan?
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发表于 2002-12-18 09:37 | 只看该作者
昨夜梦里不知道为什么去了系里,看见系里那胖胖得很和蔼的秘书手里拿着一份成绩单,凑上去一看俺的名字是用红笔写的,梦里知道我是不及格了, 忙请教高手,高手说要去问老师弄清楚到底得了多少分。我去见老师,老师说我得了25/100分,当下一晕吓醒了。有道是日有所思,夜有所梦,总算是知道了这几天一直没精打采的原因。原来这考试对俺的折磨如此......sigh
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