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一中国女学生在 蒙城游泳池溺水身亡

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发表于 2002-4-20 19:43 | 只看该作者
Some thoughts added:
four Canadian soldiers were killed by US's mistaken bombing in Kandahar. how many Chinese immigrants REALLY feel sorry for them and their families?

i didn't hear that those four families and their friends try to rebuke Canadian government for sending their sons to death as some Chinese cry out here when Ms. Lan drowned tragically.
life is precious. it is the same to every one regardless of nationalities.

i still remember when 911 happened, many Chinese were so jubilant.in China we were educated to hate since we were kids. every time when things go wrong we try to blame someone else.
do u guys here really believe Ms.Lan's death is the result of negligence of pool staff?

how would u think of those four Canadian soldiers' death, how would you react if the girl died is one from another country beyond China?

do u guys here really care? or just try to vent some personal hard feelings?
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发表于 2002-4-20 20:21 | 只看该作者
现在不是我们问自己“if an Arab died in this pool, would you react so emotionally?” 的时候,而是游泳池管理部门,加拿大政府自问"If a Canadian died in this pool”(再说穿一些, “If a native Canadian died in this pool”)的时候。
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发表于 2002-4-20 20:30 | 只看该作者
to crying
so arrogant, suggest me to vanish into thin air.
how could u be so arbitrary trying to quench any opnions different from yours and only welcome those similar? i despise you. your emotion is so cheap.  
i don't believe pool staff should assume any blame.
do u know why Chinese Embassy and Consulates keep silent? use your head!!
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发表于 2002-4-20 21:07 | 只看该作者
I agree Xiaren’s opinions.  We should support and give our hands to her family. Let’s do not blame our each other, and try to provide good suggestion to her family. Do some useful things. Our fiends have trouble, of course, we should take care. In the real life, if one of your family members have some trouble, it is usual way that you will react much than others.  Hoping 杨过understand that.
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发表于 2002-4-20 21:09 | 只看该作者
TO 洋锅,

实在懒的与你理论. 中国人这个林子实在太大了. 不过还是希望你平安---如果你是中国人.

To Otheres,

Agree with Xianren. It's ridiculous she died in a pool equiped with 4 safeguards. I think we Chinese community should keep close look at it. 'Cause the next one could be you!
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发表于 2002-4-20 21:11 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2002-4-20 21:32 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2002-4-21 10:31 | 只看该作者
I'm very sorry to hear the news and hope her family take care, but as i know "一个5岁左右的在麦当劳由于奔跑摔倒, 麦当劳赔偿他1500$,小孩仅头部仅青了一小块. "
在室内公共泳池,有4个救生员在场的情况下,有人溺死,不是救生员玩乎职手是什么? 希望懂法律的朋友们给她的家属于法律支持,
但我们华人中号称在MONTREAL最有名的广告做的最响的得到本地DOCTOR学历是不会帮我们的,与他的办事员咨讯,100$/H. 接不接你的CASE还不一定.
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发表于 2002-4-21 14:43 | 只看该作者
you sound so ignorant.  as if you were an experienced counselor.you don't understand the legal practice here. Dr.Yu is a nice guy. don't try to disgrace others to boost your own image!

I am not a lawyer either. but i know it is stupid and arbitrary to jump to conlusion before the whole thing comes to light.

don't think of yourself  as a only saint on earth who knows morality. selling conscience this way makes you cheap.
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发表于 2002-4-21 14:50 | 只看该作者
不论兰的死因如何,我相信人人都会为她的死感到难过与可惜. 既然我们想为她的家人做点事,我想知道我们是否已经有人负责兰的后事和安慰她的亲人.怎么和这些负责人联系? 我希望大家能实实在在为她的家人做点事.

对于游游泳池方面, 管理再好,救生员再好,但有人游泳死了,他们是有责任的.有谁知道,这件事仍在调查中吗?
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