哈哈哈,本主席回来了。经历了长途跋涉,实地考察,到家才想起来,把最重要的选址一事忘了。还好,还好,就选在helen说的“Annuel de parc”了。可这park到哪儿去找哇,请helen小姐介绍介绍。
kqx将奖牌发出去了,没和我商量,所以宣布奖牌无效,须经正式比赛后,方能承认。(我说过,第二选址小分队可能开往南极,果不出所料,这kqx还辩称是梦游,咳。。。造成人力物力的浪费) :cool:
I am so sorry about my stupid in direction.The only way I know to that place is:
get off at metro verdun and take autobus of No.80,his name is parc de mont-royal.There is a big statue near the bus station.the other side of the parc is magill.
Am I expressing clearly?I have tried my best.hehe!
helenzhang,you are wrong again for sure. Get off at metro Verdun? No way! It's metro Place des Arts. Take the bus 80 northbound along Parc Ave.
Yes,it is a huge open space with a statue,the corner of Mount Royal.
I guess you miss-typed verdun instead of Place des Arts. I think everyone knows of this place.