it appear to be more practicial if you said that in this way:"when i dawdle on this bbs, the attention to me (including those rotten tomato and egg)just let me want to escape."just joking
mw, are you in love with me? when a girl tells me, "you s*cuks, you liar, you bastard, you are really bad, you are a such bad writer...." chances are they are in love with me.
please behalf... because i don't want to break your heart and i look down girls from guangdong. sorry, but its true, they are just generically unadvanced...
i am a liar. so what makes you think i am a guy from shanghai? are you sure i am not a woman??
like i said many many times, telling truth on the bbs, especially the truth about your private life, make you venerable.
try to beat me? you can't!
freddie, you are 100% right. all those chinese women should learn the life and the bitterness in a hard way. sutpid ppl will be fooled and the smart ppl will fool others, this is life. accpet the reality, if you are a fool, you will become angle (one memeber on this board) sooner or later.