楼主: da xi gua
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西瓜眼里的世界 (照片集)

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 楼主| 发表于 2004-5-10 15:55 | 只看该作者
Post by little_star

好啊,好啊!! 口水。。。。 :p   期待ing。。。。  

Post by little_star

晕。。。 一上了就自我介绍找网友???     把你的地址发到我EMAIL里,我给你寄些种子,自己种一下看能结出多大的瓜。

Post by little_star

晕 again。。。。。 又来讨喜酒了。。。 :p
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发表于 2004-5-10 17:35 | 只看该作者
hey, long time no see, guys! da xi gua, nice pics! how's it going? hope you're fine.

yesterday, i went to the old port, it's really a wonderful sunny afternoon!  i love the spring in Montreal...
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发表于 2004-5-10 17:53 | 只看该作者


童谣---大西瓜 送给此楼的朋友们,愿我们一直都能拥有欣喜好奇的童心。:rolleyes:

大西瓜, 真好食,
问妈妈, 顶算哪,头顶长西瓜?:eek!:
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 楼主| 发表于 2004-5-10 23:11 | 只看该作者
Post by sophox66
hey, long time no see, guys! da xi gua, nice pics! how's it going? hope you're fine.

yesterday, i went to the old port, it's really a wonderful sunny afternoon!  i love the spring in Montreal...

Thanks!!    Weather is getting better an better, there will be many activities coming with summer.  Have fun!  :wink:
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 楼主| 发表于 2004-5-10 23:15 | 只看该作者
Post by love-sea
童谣---大西瓜 送给此楼的朋友们,愿我们一直都能拥有欣喜好奇的童心。:rolleyes:

大西瓜, 真好食,
问妈妈, 顶算哪,头顶长西瓜?:eek!:

谢谢sea 的童谣,虽然能读懂的人不多,不过还是很有趣。 哈哈!!!

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 楼主| 发表于 2004-5-10 23:18 | 只看该作者
刚刚看了BLOOM INDICATOR, 现在已经开了75%啦!!!

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发表于 2004-5-11 01:26 | 只看该作者


大西瓜,你的彩虹妹妹去那了?别又看上一位澳洲的妹妹就忘了在蒙城已同居的彩虹妹妹了,小心她哥哥上门找你,嘿嘿........:cool: :cool: :cool: :cool:
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 楼主| 发表于 2004-5-11 01:31 | 只看该作者
Post by 留言机
大西瓜,你的彩虹妹妹去那了?别又看上一位澳洲的妹妹就忘了在蒙城已同居的彩虹妹妹了,小心她哥哥上门找你,嘿嘿........:cool:  :cool:

  :eek:  西瓜是自己一个人住的,你不是我身边的朋友,所以你不知道。  :cool:   彩虹天天看我的帖子,我的IQ不至于那么低。哈哈!    little star是我在澳洲的唐妹,谢谢你关心着彩虹!
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 楼主| 发表于 2004-5-11 01:45 | 只看该作者
Have You Ever Really Loved a Woman?

To really love a woman,
To understand her,
You've got to know her deep inside ...
Hear every thought,
See every dream,
And give her wings when she wants to fly.
Then when you find yourself lying helpless in her arms ...
You know you really love a woman

When you love a woman,
You tell her that she's really wanted.
When you love a woman,
You tell her that she's the one.
She needs somebody, to tell her that it's gonna last forever.
So tell me have you ever really ... really, really ever loved a woman?

To really love a woman,
Let her hold you,
Till you know how she needs to be touched.
You've got to breathe her, really taste her,
Till you can feel her in your blood.
And when you see your unborn children in her eyes ...
You know you really love a woman.

When you love a woman,
You tell her that she's really wanted.
When you love a woman,
You tell her that she's the one.
She needs somebody, to tell her that it's gonna last forever.
So tell me have you ever really ... really, really ever loved a woman?

You've got to give her some faith,
Hold her tight, a little tenderness.
You've got to treat her right.
She will be there for you taking good care of you ...
You really gotta love your woman.

And when you find yourself lying helpless in her arms,
You know you really love a woman.

When you love a woman,
You tell her that she's really wanted.
When you love a woman,
You tell her that she's the one.
She needs somebody, to tell her that it's gonna last forever.
So tell me have you ever really ... really, really ever loved a woman?

这是首非常好听的歌,是加拿大歌手Bryan Adams自己填词并演唱的。这首歌的MP3可以点这里下载   如果你不知道Bryan Adams是谁,那么你还记得很久以前一部很棒的电影“罗宾汉”里有首歌 “Everything I do, I do it for you"吗?
“Have You Ever Really Loved a Woman?”是彩虹和西瓜都很喜欢的歌,以前听的时候没仔细留意歌词,现在才发现歌词写得如此的好! 仔细品味一下歌词,确实是好。

Bryan Adams还有另外一首经典的歌是和Rod Stewart 、Sting 一起唱的 "All For Love" 。这三首歌都在美国排行榜的榜首停留了很久。 Bryan Adams唱了“Have You Ever Really Loved a Woman?”后,很多的妇女组织都和他联系,此后Bryan出版了一本介绍加拿大女性的图片集(书),并将所得的受益捐献给Breast Cancer research。

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发表于 2004-5-11 02:14 | 只看该作者
哦,,你是不是告诉我,你一个人住,所以你在家里上网都做了些什么事也没别人知道, 也可以暗里脚踏几条船了,彩虹妹妹只会上网看你的帖子,没事的,她不会知道的,她的IQ没你高,是这样吗? 哦...我现在开始知道你的IQ有多高了.
Post by da xi gua
:eek: 西瓜是自己一个人住的,你不是我身边的朋友,所以你不知道。 :cool: 彩虹天天看我的帖子,我的IQ不至于那么低。哈哈! 你自个儿想想吧。
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