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西瓜眼里的世界 (照片集)

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 楼主| 发表于 2008-8-8 19:13 | 只看该作者
Guess you have watched the 2008 BeiJing Olympic opening ceremony. It's amazing! It's fabulous! It's unforgettable! It touched me at some moment too, because I can truelly understand the meaning of the scene. I doubt if some foreigners could understand. Some people thought the scene of "rinting" was the famous chinese game "麻将". One of my colleague asked me this question....

Reuters' article : "Beijing has raised bar for 2012: London minister". The London minister said: "The challenge for London will be even greater because expectations will be even higher,"

So London doese feel the pressure from this ceremony. China is just doing too good.

I just saw some interesting readers' comments in BBC’s website. A BBC reporter Tom Fordyce posted a review of Beijing’s Olympic opening ceremony. He did point out some fabulous moments of the ceremony, but at the ending of his review, he said “How is London going to match this? And at same time, what’s any of this got to do with sport?” Looks like everyone has eaten sweet grape, but Tom ate a sour one.

Let’s see how most of the readers comment on it:

2. At 9:23pm on 08 Aug 2008, kosowski wrote:

Sour grapes and jealousy. Your article reeks of fear that London wont get anywhere near the standard the Chinese have set.

And just what element of your role as sports journalist entitles you to comment on fashion? The fact the UK team opted for boring black and white doesnt mean everyone else should. Its the Olympics not royal bloody Ascot.

...and since when have opening ceremonies ever had much to do with sport anyway? They are designed to be spectacle and a showcase of culture - the sport part comes later in case this is your first time.

Give me back my licence money if I have to read any more of your nonsense. (This reader is requesting a refund of his online subscription fee. )

19. At 11:34pm on 08 Aug 2008, AllenAtlanta wrote:

RE: "the night was soaked in the sort of nightmarish weirdness that most of us only experience after eating too much soft cheese late at night".

Tom, you sound like a grumpy very old man having suffered through your entire life with gastrointestinal problems. There are medical treatments for that you know, but when it comes to critiquing the Opening Ceremony of the Olympics, the best one would be for you to just stay home! The world wants to celebrate the grandeur of sport and all you can do is complain like a grumpy very old man after eating too much soft cheese at night!

23. At 00:05am on 09 Aug 2008, andnowiRant wrote:

look, China's got a point to prove, and they seem to have blown everyone away with that opening ceremony. the wonders just kept coming in dozes of awe and amazement... and this was just from my telly. i wonder what'd have been like to have actually been there and to hear the roar of the crowd and the fireworks!

they seemed to be making a statement to everyone who's been ranting about the human rights issue: shove off! and for the 4 or so hours that the thing went on for, i sure wasnt thinking about Humanrights... i dont think anyone was. and that's the power of autonomy. Powerful branding campaign if i ever saw one.

What an immense display! never mind if i dont watch any of the games, i've got my fill.

( I wrote this in office, and the computer I have here is not capable to type Chinese. But I am so d*mn want to write something, so only have to use this d*mn english. )

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 楼主| 发表于 2008-8-12 22:24 | 只看该作者



刚刚在文学城里看到的转载美国时代杂志的文章。 有点意思。 来看看美国的主流杂志的看法。

前半部分的是中文的翻译,来自文学城。 后半部分的是时代杂志的英文原文,带链接。

留 意一下"时代杂志"最后的一句话: ".....the world bore witness to the unmistakable fact that China was back — in a blaze of glory." 里面用了非常强调的词"unmistakable"。 该传达出去的,都在开幕式这个巨大的载体上,已经传达出去了。 而且信息被传达的很完美,被接收得也比较准确。


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Let China's Games Begin
网页连接: http://www.time.com/time/world/article/0,8599,1830806,00.html

Friday, Aug. 08, 2008 By HANNAH BEECH / BEIJING

When the Beijing Olympics began on August 8, 2008 at 8:00 p.m — 8 being an auspicious number in Chinese — with a brilliant orgy of 35,000 fireworks and the thunderous percussion of 2,000 ancient drums, there was no question that the East now mattered. Asia has hosted the Summer Games twice before — Tokyo '64 and Seoul '88 — but this Olympics represents the aspirations of one-fifth of humanity. For 60 minutes, more than 15,000 Chinese performers marched and twirled and beamed with such flawless precision that it was as if the previous five millennia of Chinese history were merely a dress rehearsal for this moment.

The night's maestro was Zhang Yimou, a film director better known abroad for his sweeping epics evoking the hardships of Communist rule. The show fast-forwarded through the glories of ancient Chinese civilization: the invention of gunpowder and movable type, the building of the Great Wall. The overriding message, though delivered, admittedly, with the earnest phraseology of Chinese officialdom, was clear. "Imbued with the finest element of Eastern flavor," stated Liu Qi, the president of the Beijing Organizing Committee, "this grand gala will act as a showcase of a 5,000-year-old civilization."

For a nation that won its first Olympic gold medal in 1984, China's athletic ascent, like its economic growth, can only be described with superlatives. By 2004, the People's Republic was just four medals shy of the gold-medal harvest of the U.S. This time around, China could well occupy the top spot in the medal tally. But the Olympics are about more than East and West, North and South — or, indeed, medal tables. The movement now boasts more members than the United Nations. At the Opening Ceremony, more than 10,500 athletes marched together, representing 204 republics, theocracies, city-states, protectorates and even a certain island that competes under the name of Chinese Taipei. Three Olympic debutantes appeared in Beijing: Montenegro, the Marshall Islands and Tuvalu, a South Pacific nation whose very existence is threatened by global warming. China's flagbearer Yao Ming, at 2.29 m (7 ft. 6 in.) the Games' tallest Olympian, loped along the same path as 1.43 m (4 ft. 8 in.) American gymnast Shawn Johnson. Four athletes from Iraq, which in July had been banned briefly from the Games because of a tiff with the International Olympic Committee, got one of the night's biggest cheers, after the hosts. Even China's historical rival Japan received polite applause. The Olympics may be composed of nations, but its spirit transcends nationalism.

As at all modern Olympics, politics was not far away. Protesters of everything from China's role in Darfur to the continuing repression of Tibet had tried to use the Games to highlight their causes. But long ago, loose talk of an Olympic boycott had fizzled. On opening night, sitting in the splendor of the Bird's Nest Stadium, were two men who have at times been among China's most vocal Western critics: George W. Bush and French President Nicolas Sarkozy. They knew this was China's moment. Back in the Middle Kingdom's heyday, dignitaries from elsewhere in the world would come to pay tribute to the Emperor, an acknowledgement of China's power. As legendary gymnast Li Ning, a six-time Olympic medalist and sporting-wear tycoon, soared through midair to light the Olympic cauldron, the world bore witness to the unmistakable fact that China was back — in a blaze of glory.
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 楼主| 发表于 2008-8-16 17:00 | 只看该作者
今天在 Ile Ste-Helene 岛上. :cool:

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 楼主| 发表于 2008-8-18 21:17 | 只看该作者
看了 Globe and Mail 上的文章“The iron hand behind the magic show” (Link: http://www.theglobeandmail.com/serv...eijing2008/home)。。。。

这是写给那篇文章的作者,并且COPY 给Globe and Mail 的总编辑们 。

Dear Christie,

"Keep up your good work." was the last line in my previous email to you. I found you really get points on something. Obviously, your articles are filling with you personal emotion, anger and jealousy. I don't agree it's a professional way to write.

Is Canada a perfect country? Negative. The hell a lots of problems inside Canada, but why our critics, you are one of them, only know criticizing other countries issue. By doing that, you can't help improving this country, Canada. It's the place you and your loves live. Do you want to help improving the system and the living environment for yourself, your loves, your friends and your readers? Why do you wasting so much energy, and subscriber's money just for expressing your personal emotion? I am residing in Canada. Honestly, I really don't like to see you wasting subscribers money just for your own "pleasure", critisizing other countries. If it helps to improve Canada's, I would like to say I were wrong.

Look at yourself, how much abhorrence to China in your mind. Some people do dislike China, but you are just gone extremely. Reading your words is just like hearing a crazy woman screaming out loud. There is a very good example should fit you.

Your neighbor was poor, and ugly. Supremely you found the neighbor moved to a better house, even bigger than yours. It's too short for you and your mind couldn't even adapt to the reality. So you were pissed off. You started telling people how bad your neighbor is, blah blah.... So people start thinking you are an expert of critic, but they just don’t know actually your neighbor has been getting a much better life. So your readers are so enjoying your speeches so far, but they would realize the true when they would get a chance to. G&M is not the only media in Canada.

FYI, Time magazine has more influence power than G&M, not to mention yours. Should you subscribe Time magazine. At least one thing you can learn from it, what is impersonal.

China is in the rapid change, and will take the lead among many countries. Canada's voice will become weaker and weaker, comparing to China's. I really doubt how you could ease your abhorrence and anger when the day comes... My advice is, take 3 Flax Seed oil softgels three times daily with a meal. It would reduce the chance of heart disease, including heart attack. You need triple dose, because you have too much abhorrence....

I know it's not easy for your kind to get use to it, but it's the life! Wish you will have a good sleep, and take it easy.

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 楼主| 发表于 2008-8-20 10:40 | 只看该作者
周日在Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu看的热气球。 在加拿大这么多年了,才第一次去看。



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 楼主| 发表于 2008-8-23 16:25 | 只看该作者
Just read this from Globe and Mail:

China's tour de force

Globe and Mail Update
August 23, 2008 at 8:07 AM EDT

Heavy-handed police controls, massive state resources and the muzzling of protesters helped ensure the Games were a triumph - for China and its Communist rulers ...............


And here are the comments I posted:

China did a great job in the last 40 years. All you guys noticed China just in recent years. Did you compare the current China with the one 40 years ago? Did you compare the current HUMAN RIGHT and the situation 40 years ago in China?

Kids, all western countries, including US and Canada, has been through a long way to reach it's current system. Comparing to China, US and Canada are "adult", China is still in Teenage. How do you expect a teenager can act like an adult? If you have kids, you should have known there won't be sudden change while the kid is growing and learning. Unless, you don't like the Chinese nation. Then it will be a big problem.

If you have studied Chinese nation for a long time, you would have known this nation would only become stronger while it's experiencing crush from outside. It means when you crush it harder, it will be stronger. So throwing eggs, stones even bombs to China would only make it become a stronger nation. Haa, disappointed?

China is a special country need special power to rule. If you have a chance to ask the well educated Chinese people around you, asks them who else then Communist can rule the country well and better then now? You will surprisingly find out they say no. Why? Only Chinese people know Chinese people, and China. You seemed know something, but it's all Medias' opinion. Actually, you know nothing, because you never spent your time on its history and its change in the last 40 years.

Get yourself some knowledge, and you will find out many journalists are idiots. Tell you what, most of the western people don't want to see China pass over them, because they can't accept the reality. So, to balance their nerves, they would like to read something bad about china. And most of the Medias must to follow this routine to gain higher number of subscribers.


Let's think in this way:

Do you accept a super strong China with democratic government? Super strong means it would replace the US, and being the "leader" of the world.

Positive, you are a true humanist. Keep up your good work!

Negative? Then what do you hate is not the government. What you hate would be the country. Sorry, you are eating sour grapes, and for sure you will eat more in the coming years.
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 楼主| 发表于 2008-8-24 09:04 | 只看该作者


The closing ceremony was not closing the 2008 Olympic Game, it preserved the game forever! :cool:





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 楼主| 发表于 2008-8-24 10:05 | 只看该作者
刚刚看了CNN网上对闭幕式的评论,相对以前CNN的论调,已经平缓很多了。 里面有赞也当然少不了弹。 但结尾的一段有意思,反驳了以前媒体对北京污染的担忧:

"Grand spectacle closes Beijing's Olympics"
Worries over pollution and its impact on athletes seemed to fade away. Distance running events ran smoothly, and while the air was thick with smog on many days during the Games, foreign media did not report widespread health concerns by the tens of thousands of foreigners attending the Games.

Link: http://www.cnn.com/2008/SPORT/08/24/olympics.close/index.html
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 楼主| 发表于 2008-8-31 21:31 | 只看该作者


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 楼主| 发表于 2008-9-2 23:44 | 只看该作者
前天刚刚拍到了看似熏衣草的花。昨天骑车到一级方程式赛车场的时候,赛道旁的一个小园林里偶遇熏衣草。本来是给另外一丛花吸引了过去,怎知忽然闻到阵阵的香气。低头巡视,发现脚下不远是从熏衣草,就和前阵子去熏衣草农场看到的一个品种"Blue Lavender"。 这从熏衣草已经非常成熟,走进已能闻到香气。如把花置于鼻下,更是浓香扑鼻。

过了一会,骑车经过老港的时候,忽见车道旁一大丛淡蓝色之花。开始没敢想那是熏衣草,走进看看叶子,有点象熏衣草,但整株比刚才看到的要大2,3倍。 用手指轻揉篮花粒,再闻一下手指,是熏衣草!只是香气和刚才从不同,应该品种不同。才回想起在法国普罗旺斯看到的就应该和这种类似。

原来市政已经在岛上种了不少熏衣草了,大家找找也许能找到更多。如果要辨认,最好的办法是用手指轻揉蓝色的花粒,然后闻一下手指是否带有香味。这是熏衣草农场的人教的方法。 希望大家别摘这些花儿,不然一会就没有了。。。

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