You Must Obey Copyright Law (No Pirating)
Dealing in copies of copyrighted material without the permission of the owner of the copyright is illegal and GameTZ will not tolerate anyone who does it here. Trades are for original media, no copies. You cannot buy, sell, trade, offer, request, list, give away, or otherwise indicate that you are willing to trade for pirated items of any kind. You also may not direct people to pirated versions of software to buy, trade, or download. Even if no one is making money off the pirated materials, it's against the rules to deal in them. If you are caught pirating or trying to pirate on the GameTZ, your account will be suspended immediately. If you see anyone else pirating, please report them immediately to GameTZ Moderators. Trading "backups" and especially CD-Rs is considered pirating. This is regardless of how legal you may think this is. Pirating includes, but is not limited to, dealing in "warez", "abandonware", "backups", "CD-R's", "bootlegs", "burned" items, "ROMs", "HK Silvers", "Multi-carts" (including systems with potentially unlicensed games built in), counterfeit trading cards, stuff you taped off TV, "screeners", Mix CDs or tapes you make yourself, and Fan Subs--basically any copy that is not the original. Dealing in CD-Keys, PINs, subsciption codes or cracks is also considered pirating. |