相被加国好的大学录取不是件容易事,找份像样的工作也不是件容易的事。申请学校和找工作完全可以同时进行,在这过程中,你自然就有体会和答案了。到时正的两样都有时,在来选择不迟。不过,这种情况,发生的可能性小些,尤其在魁省。按你说的一般般的英语能力,能被加国的一个MBA program 录取就是烧高香了,如果你的Gmat和TOEFL分不错,那就是另一回事了.
Thanks for your opinion. However, the ordinary people must have focus, if someone do both things at the same time, i think ususlly he can't do every thing well.
Thanks for your opinion. But CA/CPA is nothing to do with my work background, so i will not consider it. I prefer to get a master degree focusing on technique.
In your situation, I can say it is not easy for you to find a professional job. If you have good Toefl and GRE or GMAT, you should apply master. Otherwise I suggest you back to China now because it is not worth to waste 3 years in here just for citizenship.