Dear everybody, my Laptop is infected by virus. The name of the virus are W32.Frethem.Gen@mm and in the C:\WINDOWS\taskbar.exe. Another virus is W32.Welchia.B.Worm in C:\WINDOWS\system32\drive\svchost.exe. Symantec couldn't kill the virus. Anybody knows how to get rid of them? By the way, I can't open my mialbox, Yahoo as well as Hotmail. Is it caused by the virus? Thanks.
2004-02-22 03:56:30 EST: 644 / 799
Your download speed : 644630 bps, or 644 kbps.
A 78.6 KB/sec transfer rate.
Your upload speed : 799200 bps, or 799 kbps
i am using sympatico high speed.感觉最近速度好慢.有时输入一个网址出来一个无关的网页,而且以后每次输入这个网址都是这个网页.faint~
2004-02-22 03:56:30 EST: 644 / 799
Your download speed : 644630 bps, or 644 kbps.
A 78.6 KB/sec transfer rate.
Your upload speed : 799200 bps, or 799 kbps
2004-02-22 04:26:01 EST: 3756 / 449
Your download speed : 3756618 bps, or 3756 kbps.
A 458.5 KB/sec transfer rate.
Your upload speed : 449185 bps, or 449 kbps.
Seems like broadband .. above the 1mbit barrier!
2004-02-23 09:51:24 EST: 1408 / 317
Your download speed : 1408936 bps, or 1408 kbps.
A 171.9 KB/sec transfer rate.
Your upload speed : 317737 bps, or 317 kbps.
Seems like broadband .. above the 1mbit barrier!
Just tested, 1408/317. Haven't even reached 1.5M.
I am living in Verdun area.
2004-02-25 17:15:00 EST: 741 / 688
Your download speed : 741288 bps, or 741 kbps.
A 90.4 KB/sec transfer rate.
Your upload speed : 688468 bps, or 688 kbps.
2004-02-26 00:03:04 EST: 737 / 532
Your download speed : 737666 bps, or 737 kbps.
A 90 KB/sec transfer rate.
Your upload speed : 532552 bps, or 532 kbps.
而我的系统环境如下:WINDOWS XP 中文版,上网使用的是BEL SYMPATICO DSL,不知道这个结果如何?
2004-02-26 00:48:10 EST: 2171 / 1265
Your download speed : 2171189 bps, or 2171 kbps.
A 265 KB/sec transfer rate.
Your upload speed : 1265822 bps, or 1265 kbps.
Seems like broadband .. above the 1mbit barrier!