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发表于 2007-2-24 22:45 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

我的email是 [email="mtlvictor@gmail.com"]mtlvictor@gmail.com[/email]

刚到蒙特利尔时,我在华人报纸上看了广告,就通过所谓的Bell中文服务,开通了住宅电话、购买手机(prepaid service)、 开通网络。 这三项服务中的每一项后来都给带来很大麻烦,当然现在都不用了。 我当时明确说明不要长途电话(但我后来拿不出证据, 因为我没录音,也没问对方姓名)。 在未经我许可的情况下,Bell给我开通长途,我以为我在用电话卡打长途,或许不知不觉用了Bell的长途,Bell给我寄来长话帐单,数目惊人($1500)。我打电话给Bell,Bell公司坚持让我交钱; 我不给,Bell专门给我来信,威胁停我的电话,而且说再开通需另交开通费。




我根据我对法律的理解给Bell公司寄了一封信(Express mail)Bell公司的态度来了个180度的大转弯,Bell公司建议按大约8.5cents/min费率给我重新计算。 我很忙,耗不起,就同意了Bell公司的意见。



我记得我曾经和Bell中文服务在电话上谈好了购买手机和手机卡的价格,当时Bell中文服务说得明明白白没有其他费用,但寄来的帐单多了一项新的费用,我认为除了消费税,对方不应增加新的费用,我先打电话到Bell中文服务,也就是我订货时打的电话,从口音我能判断出和上次订货接电话的是同一个人,我问他为什么多出一项费用,那个我们中国人中的败类回答说不知道,实际上他应该非常清楚。他让我直接打Bell公司客户服务电话,我问他Bell中文服务怎么不管,此时他回答说他们只是销售部门下的一个分支。注意:他们在报纸上的广告声称是Bell中文服务,而不是说Bell中文销售,我从讲话口音推测那个败类不是港澳台人,也不是广东人,更不象老移民或老移民的后代,他象近些年从大陆来的新移民,但比我早来几年。我打Bell公司客户服务电话Bell公司客户服务说不清那是什么费用,但Bell公司客户服务要求我必须按公司的帐单付费,原话是“You have to”这简直是对客户的侮辱! 我很无奈,只好付了。




1 哪位同胞在蒙特利尔打过官司,能否给我讲讲我该注意的问题?
2 由于我对法律不了解,所以我想知道这种案件的诉讼时效是多长,我在什么时候起诉不会超过诉讼时效?
3 哪位同胞知道相同或相近的案例,能否给我介绍一下或者给我提供一点查询的线索?
4 能否先立案,之后逐渐补充材料,还是在立案时必须把各种材料交齐,不再接受随后补充的证据材料?
5 关于长话费用,我最后交了不足$50,这次起诉的目的不是关于是否交长话费,而是要求Bell公司赔偿因它企图收取高额长途话费而给我造成的精神损失,时间损失。这种诉讼请求,法庭是否同意单独立案?
6 单独以精神赔偿为诉讼请求立案对我是否有利?

我的email [email="mtlvictor@gmail.com"]mtlvictor@gmail.com[/email]

发表于 2007-2-25 00:36 | 只看该作者
i know no big thing. i just tell u what i think.

1. if your reclaimed sum is not over 7000 $, try to file before the division des petites creances, la cour du quebec. there will be no lawyer involved; the case will be settled quickly; u can download the procedure forms or ask the court clerk to give u. ( for detailed information, please check other posts here or have a look at the court's own site)

2. the chinese agency must have a mandatary contract with Bell.

3. since you received the service of Bell, u have consented to his terms of service or convention, whatever.

4. but, they have information obligation before contracting with you; have obligation not to hide some information which is important to you. ( for example, if u know this hidden information, u will not contract, or u will contract under some other conditions.)

5. the residential phone service must have a pre-established contract. they must tell u where to download it or how to procure it.

6. of course, the chinese agency has never told u what kind of services your contract has.

7. your evidence will be the inviting offer u have seen in the newspaper. i guess they will have no evidence at all.

8. and the benefice of the doubt will be on your side, since u are a consumer.

another idea: is it possible to file a class action?

i'm not specialist. this is just what i thougt at the first sight. every point needs to be confirmed and modified by further research.

anyway, if u that time write a lettre of demand (mise en demeure) according to the quebec law, i'm sure u will get a better resultat.
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 楼主| 发表于 2007-2-25 00:52 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2007-2-25 01:14 | 只看该作者
1.u are not the first person in this trouble, and i'm sure u are not the last one.

2. it's the chinese agent's responsibility to tell u the service items. and she represents bell in selling bell's service.

3. she has no evidence to prove that she accomplished her obligation.

4. find any of your chinese friends who contracted bell's service via this agency, and to see if they have got enough information. if not, this can also help u to convince the juge (witnesses).

5.if we think this is not normal, we had better to know why if we can.
many of my friends ( quebec or other parts of the world) do the same thing. why not us?

6. for nearly all kinds of larged used service, u can place a order by net. so u can study the terms of service carefully and then decide the next step. calling is not a good way, for u have no time to think about the offer.
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发表于 2007-2-25 10:32 | 只看该作者


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发表于 2007-2-25 10:50 | 只看该作者
Post by victor zhang


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发表于 2007-2-25 11:46 | 只看该作者


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发表于 2007-2-25 13:33 | 只看该作者
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 楼主| 发表于 2007-2-25 16:51 | 只看该作者



Post by diorlancome
1.u are not the first person in this trouble, and i'm sure u are not the last one.

2. it's the chinese agent's responsibility to tell u the service items. and she represents bell in selling bell's service.

3. she has no evidence to prove that she accomplished her obligation.

4. find any of your chinese friends who contracted bell's service via this agency, and to see if they have got enough information. if not, this can also help u to convince the juge (witnesses).

5.if we think this is not normal, we had better to know why if we can.
many of my friends ( quebec or other parts of the world) do the same thing. why not us?

6. for nearly all kinds of larged used service, u can place a order by net. so u can study the terms of service carefully and then decide the next step. calling is not a good way, for u have no time to think about the offer.
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发表于 2007-2-25 19:23 | 只看该作者
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