楼主: victor zhang
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发表于 2007-2-25 19:41 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2007-2-25 19:53 | 只看该作者


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 楼主| 发表于 2007-2-25 20:00 | 只看该作者
Post by 逍遥游客
什么是这里的规则?我认为这里(Quebec)的规则就是每个人都必须遵守加拿大联邦的法律和Quebec省的法律以及相关各方之间的合同。商家和消费者是平等的关系,虽然你可能自觉或不自觉的遵守商家的习惯,但消费者没有义务遵守商家的习惯,正象商家没有义务遵守消费者的习惯一样,双方需要遵守的是法律和合同。 Bell的过错就是把它的习惯强加给消费者, 没有履行告知的义务,虽然我不懂当地法律,但我相信,在这一点上,当地法律和中国的消法是一致的。
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 楼主| 发表于 2007-2-25 20:37 | 只看该作者
Post by chevrolet



顺便说一句,电话卡中有一种大唐直拨卡,与calling card 不同, 我就是在使用大唐直拨卡时出了问题,然后,立即与BELL公司联系,方知BELL没有按我的要求取消长途。其实,误用BELL长途的中国同胞很多,网上这样的抱怨也不少。任何中国同胞都不会去故意使用BELL长途,因为BELL长途比calling card电话卡费率高300倍。
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 楼主| 发表于 2007-2-25 21:30 | 只看该作者
Post by 深海小鱼
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发表于 2007-2-25 21:58 | 只看该作者

  • u can file against bell with mental prejudice as your only allegation.
  • but u must prove that u have suffered mentally from bell’s default of executing his obligations.
  • the judge will consider how a reasonable person will react in a similar situation. That means, if the complainant is over sensitive or has a weak emotional or psychological resistance ability, the judge will reject your request.
  • the extinctive prescription is three years.
  • u can present your file before adding your evidences physically. But u must mention all the evidences u will use in the procedure.
  • u can find a world of information about small claims in net, or in the site of Quebec ministry of justice. Or go to the site of the court of small claims.
  • u will be told how to prepare your file and how to proceed.
  • there is a book in French in the national library. If u read French, u can read it.
Use petites creances as your searching key words.

  • the key point in this affair is the default of the Chinese agency’s obligation: not to give you enough information; if u asked her to get off the long-distance service from your service menu, but she didn’t, so she lied. And she cheated u. she didn’t act in good fait. U contracted based on your vitiated consent. So the contract can be cancelled.  But u have choice, u can keep the contract and request the compensation.
  • the must be a mandatory contract between this Chinese agency and bell. Perhaps bell is acting diligently…
  • who cares? File bell and this Chinese agency at the same time. For this Chinese agent represented bell in selling his service. She sells one contract, she gets one commission.
  • the judicial fees is about 100 dollars. If u lose, u lose only this money, nothing else.
  • why not try? This will be a good experience and u will learn a lot of things from this.
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发表于 2007-2-25 22:02 | 只看该作者
this is only my first though. if u decide to file, and if the moment come, u can ask me from here, and i can find all the relevant articles from the quebec civil code and la loi sur la protection du consommateur for u.

this will be needed when u write your introductory file.
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发表于 2007-2-25 22:21 | 只看该作者


直接与bell 联系好。少一环节。

Post by 深海小鱼
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 楼主| 发表于 2007-2-25 22:40 | 只看该作者
Post by diorlancome
this is only my first though. if u decide to file, and if the moment come, u can ask me from here, and i can find all the relevant articles from the quebec civil code and la loi sur la protection du consommateur for u.

this will be needed when u write your introductory file.

Thank you very much. Could you please email me at nctmtl@hotmail.com to let me know your email address so that I can get your help in case of emergency. I guess the liars will prevent us from communicating and sending the liars to the court.
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发表于 2007-2-25 23:12 | 只看该作者
good luck.
Post by victor zhang
什么是这里的规则?我认为这里(Quebec)的规则就是每个人(包括公民、居民、外来游客等所有人)都必须遵守加拿大联邦的法律和Quebec省的法律以及相关各方之间的合同(包括书面合同和格式合同)。虽然你可能自觉或不自觉的遵守对方的习惯,但是,从法律上讲,你没有义务遵守对方的习惯,正象对方没有义务遵守你的习惯一样。商家和消费者是平等的关系,消费者没有义务遵守商家的习惯,正象商家没有义务遵守消费者的习惯一样,双方需要遵守的只是法律和合同。 Bell的过错就是把它的习惯强加给消费者, 没有履行告知的义务,虽然我不懂当地法律,但我相信,在这一点上,当地法律和中国的消法是一致的。
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