Good question.
We are all created equal, in terms of human rights and basic citizen rights, but this is not to say, we're all the same. People are different in their working skills, ablities, and, if measured fairly, will result in differences, some makes more money, some makes less, that's market enconomy, can I say, in this case, that some are discrimated? I can't. But if people are treated differently w.r.t their basic rights protected by the constitution, then it is not fair.
Think about slavery in US. At that time, whole southern economy was mainly agricultural, and depended heavily on slave workers. Black people were not only under-paid, mal-treated, but tortured and abused. And then there was the civil war, absolutely devastating. Now we all see a strong and propersous US no matter we like it or not.
Unfairness should be corrected, no matter who is benefiting from it temporarily. It's a matter of principal, and principals are not just principals because they are, they make sense, they benefit everbody in a long run.
Hope this makes sense
Post by huahualala
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