我是在05-07-2006 寄出公民申请,目前还在等考试,请大家在此交流, 也请最近已经收到考试通知的朋友们告知是几月寄出公民申请的?
We received your application for Canadian citizenship (grant of citizenship) on May 12, 2006.
We sent you a letter acknowledging receipt of your application(s), and a study book called A Look at Canada on May 12, 2006.
We started processing your application on October 5, 2006.
Your file was transferred to the Montréal CIC office on October 26, 2006. The Montréal CIC office will contact you if additional information is required. The Montréal CIC office will contact you regarding your citizenship test once all the necessary checks on your file are complete. |