"the english language skills are not so important to impress a person" I agree with you. But Eng writing skills become a vital factor in communication when using writen Eng as a way to exchange viewpoints with friends as LZ suggested.
"the guy is looking for friends, but people transform this corner into an english class. we chinese like judging?!" People are judging each other in every aspect of life explicitly or implicitly, to some extent. In my own judging, I expect that LZ's Eng is better than other because he is an Eng tutor. LZ already put in place his criteria for making friend, and in turn other people express their own judgement correspond with LZ's. It's a 2-way communication and people invloved are better off.
"from his language, i find sincerity and honesty. and from others', i find only narrowness and arrogance" I take for granted that every one is sincere and honest here. I dont think anyone intended to look down on others, so I totally disagree with the sencond half of your judgement.
I am also a graduate from Concordia University and I know how important an Eng tutor is for those stutents struggling to improve their Eng. As most of his stutends are studying in Concordia University, I wish LZ become a qualified Eng tutor soon.
Please forgive my bluntness for saying something off topic. I would like to make friends with you guys if we can communicate in Mandarine or Cantonese. Keep me posted if you think we can make it. |