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发表于 2007-7-31 10:52 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
发表于 2007-7-31 22:48 | 只看该作者
你们结婚就可以了! 作为担保人,你最好有工作或者存款.去移民局的网站下载申请表格自己办或者找中介办.很快可以批.
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发表于 2007-7-31 22:59 | 只看该作者


Sponsors and sponsored persons

Do you wish to sponsor a family member? A typical sponsorship procedure is described below. Take the time to review it. It will give you an idea of the steps to follow and the conditions that must be met to sponsor a close relative. The procedure also contains important information for the person you wish to sponsor to help him or her understand the process and prepare for a new life in Québec.

If you are part of a group or organization who wishes to sponsor a refugee, please refer to the section Refugees and other clientele – Collective sponsorship.

Your 5-step procedure!

  • Find out about the requirements to sponsor a close relative
    To sponsor a close relative, you must meet several conditions. Find out about all of the requirements and responsibilities that you must fulfill.
  • Apply to sponsor a close relative
    If you satisfy all of the sponsorship requirements and you accept the responsibilities involved, you can submit an application to sponsor a close relative by following the necessary procedure.
  • Facilitate the integration of the sponsored person in Québec
    The relative you sponsored will be joining you soon, unless you have already been reunited. To facilitate integration, help him or her prepare before departure for Québec.
  • Recommend that the sponsored person go to the Immigration-Québec office at the airport
    This section provides an overview of the entry and reception formalities awaiting the sponsored person upon arrival in Québec. Recommend that he or she contact an Immigration-Québec reception officer.
  • Help the sponsored person with the integration proceedings
    Your sponsored relative will have a number of steps to take upon arrival in Québec. You can help help him or her save time. Do not hesitate to direct the sponsored person to the various services offered by the government and its partner organizations to facilitate his or her integration.
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