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发表于 2007-8-7 08:09 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
bryann funsho victor    bryann2008@gmail.com
故事情节就是要买我的东西 来了这样一封信

Hello thanks for your reply

i would like to get it urgently and i will pay you $100 for the item
and requiring my payment method i would pay you through alertpay
online paymenmt services alertpay both the buyer and seller are both
secured because alertpay will make sure that none of them gets
How alertpay works.
you will send me your full information(full name and address) so that
i can forward them to alertpay so that your money can be deducted
from my billing account that is with alertpay when the payment has
been made then you will ship the item i will hande the shipping with
my company's shipping account fedex so you will not pay a dime for the
shipping then after shipping the item you will send the shipping
information to alertpay and they verify that it is a valid shippment
then your money would be delivered to the address you gave me
immidiately so this measure is used o allow that both the buyer and
seller do not get scam and please i want to buy the item i want a
serious seller like wise kidly get back to me with your full info for
payment...if you are not a serious buyer or you are not shipping or
you are not intrested
please do not reply or waste my time you can call me on 5094439213

一看就知道是个大骗!  想玩玩他, 我说$150

okay i would give you nothing more than 150 so get back to me asap with your full info so that i can get on with the payment asap..

我再回信说$200, 他估计要气死了. 有哪位知道RCMP电话或者地址的, 让他去联系这个地址好了^_^
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