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我的房租很贵 我该咋办?

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发表于 2002-3-26 17:41 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
   我是新移民.来后发现工作难找,而我的房租是720.实在太贵了.我目前想转租有转租又转租不出去.我后来仔细看了租约,发现房东没有把以前的房租写明.我去了租房委员会询问,他们给我的答复是:要么转租,要么和房东上法庭,但要到10月或11月才开听政会,并且我要出56元诉讼费.天哪!这儿的办事效率真低.明明是房东乱涨房租价,我要求他们帮助,他们却要求我想办法问到前任房客的租金.我上哪去找前任房客呀?难道我只能等着破财.我不能cancel the lease.
发表于 2002-3-29 10:02 | 只看该作者
If they don't put the previous tenant's rent, the lease should be illegal.
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发表于 2002-3-29 15:17 | 只看该作者
lease is a kind of contract. we don't call a contrat "legal" or "illegal". we say it void, viodale or valid.
increase ceiling only applies to old tenant, not new tenant. legally speaking, landload can charge whatever price he wants, sign it or not, you make the call. its like you can sell your toilet paper for $1,000 a piece, if someone foul enought to buy it, that's his problem.
the formation of a valid contract:
-- mutual assent (you have to agree the terms by paying first month rent, sign the lease...)
-- consideration (you have to pay for your rent, and the landland should give you a place to live...)
-- contractual capacity ( if you are over 18 years old, you don't have any argument here)
-- lawful object
if you want to make this contrct void or voidable, you should defence the formation of a contract by proving:
-- mistake
-- duress and undue influence
-- mispresentation
from your story, i don't see you have any ground to bring this case to the court. i suggest you don't waste that 65 dollar.
merciful wang8
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发表于 2002-3-29 16:20 | 只看该作者
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