楼主: brucekuang
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发表于 2007-8-29 02:01 | 只看该作者
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 楼主| 发表于 2007-8-29 11:15 | 只看该作者
我现在怀疑是否HBC信用卡公司将客户的资料出卖给了legal Sense, 由于太相信信用卡, 所以没有留意。 我有朋友去年也给HBC多收了100块,闹了很久才要回来。

我将取消掉HBC的信用卡, 还是大公司Visa, Master信得过。还有, HBC的信用卡在其它地方买东西, 人家根本就不收!
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发表于 2007-9-3 18:51 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2007-9-10 00:34 | 只看该作者
Post by brucekuang
我在Zellers办了个信用卡,是在他们的销售人员的推销下办的。原来只是打算在他们那里买点东西用,累积点分数的,但从5月份开始,一个多伦多的legal Sense (Carlson Toronto)就开始收取我一个月21.15刀的费用,第一个月,我由于没有仔细看HBC的帐单,就糊涂得给了钱。 但6月份,我一分钱都没有在Zeller买东西,但他们居然也给我帐单,21.15元,我写信到信用卡的总部,要求更改错误,但没有回复!! 7月又给charge 21.15刀!现在信用卡的余额是42.82元。

打电话给legal Sense (Carlson Toronto),他们说在某个时候,我在电话里答应了他们的服务,算是口头的协议,但我想不起我究竟在什么时候答应这样的服务!在电话里争论了很长时间,他们只答应退回一个月的钱,并答应取消我的服务!


我不想留下不良的信用记录,但又想喝这种公司理论,请问各位大虾我该如何才好?是破财消灾呢?还是和他们争下去??  :confused:
怀疑这家公司通过钻这种空子骗钱。每个人身上扣点。 应该告他们。:eek!:
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 楼主| 发表于 2007-9-11 21:54 | 只看该作者

HBC 将我的钱给退回来了

HBC 将我的钱给退回来了。 下面是我写给他们的信和他们的回信。

Subject: Re: HBC Card Purchase Disputes
Sent: September 10, 2007 05:10 PM EDT

Customer Service Wrote:

Dear Online Customer,

Thank you for your recent correspondence.

The use of your personal information to communicate to you promotional offers and mailings is optional. If you do not wish to receive these telephone solicitations or mailings, please contact the Hbc Privacy Office at 1-866-225-8251.

As an exception, we have presently issued a credit of $63.45 to your account. This credit will appear on your next statement.

We apologize for any inconvenience caused with this matter and we thank you for your continued loyalty to Hbc.


M. Danakas
Customer Service

Account is owned by GE Money Canada

Subject: HBC Card Purchase Disputes
Sent: September 08, 2007 11:15 AM EDT

You Wrote:

I opened my HBC credit card only to purchase some stuffs in Zellers but I was illegally charged by Carlson Toronto (legal sense) for which I never authorized any service.

They had charged me for three months totalled $63.45. Although it is not a large sum of money, I believe this is a dishonest company. When I called this company for refund, they were very impatient and one of their representative said 'it is your fault!'

I wonder why HBC has such a dishonoured customer? How and where they got my personal information?

Pls explain that.

look forward to hearing from you
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