Concordia is listed as the second level university in Canada is the fact.
May be Concordia owns some first level deparments(I donnot know where the information some people concerned are.), but this does not mean it can be listed as first level University in Canada or in North America.
I once met some people who are studying Master degree of E&E in Concordia.One thing I surprised is their english level are too bad to understand what local people said. I do not think that the person who studying in or graduted from the first level university can 'show' as this.
You can love your school where you study in.
You can not say what you owned is the best!
mcgill的医学院曾经在全北美是数一数二的学校,他大部分专业都比concordia好,特别是他的E.E的学生的英语水平,只有在CONCORDIA上学的部分英语水平不行的学生才认为CONCORDIA的几个专业,例如E. E,ACCOUNTING等能望MCGILL的项背。。。
假如你能上MCGILL的mechanical of bachelor,千万不要去念concordia的E.E OF MASTER,特此忠告!
对于工程类、实用类的专业Concordia不差,其办学方针:Real Education For Real World.“开门办学”经常请一些实战高手进课堂讲课,这就使学生的适应能力比较强。
1,The Rankings Medical Doctoral Ranking
The Maclean's ranking takes a measure of the undergraduate experience at Canadian universities, comparing schools in three peer groupings. The Medical Doctoral universities are those with a broad range of PhD programs and research, as well as medical schools
2,Comprehensive Ranking
The Comprehensive universities are those with a significant amount of research activity and a wide range of programs at the undergraduate and graduate levels, including professional degrees
we are the suffering brothers in those damn fact no canadian welcome and respect our chinese students.why should we argue about the rank of their university?
survival reality and job prospect are more important than those intangible reputations of "canadian" `s university.
I am in mcgill but I wish to take some courses in concordia because some program in concordia are more practical.
but generally speaking,concordia isn`t same rank with mcgill though the rank of mcgill is continuing to go down.