Use premier engine oil or synthetic oil especially in winter to quiet done the valves and lifters. Or add oil treatment between each oil change. I suggest you to go with syn oil, which costs less than regular oil. Not need repair.
2。REMOTE ENTRY 上的开门键很难开门了,但关门键没问题,我要不要修?去哪里修?
No need at least for now. Wait for the Spring.
No need if in heated garage or 1~2 minutes in non-heated garage.
4。COOLANT LEVEL在两个月提醒了两次,所以加了两次,是不是有泄露?我要不要修?去哪里修?
You need pay attention to this. If it continues losing in this way, you need send to garage to check. I am assuming that is caused by the temperature changing.