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发表于 2008-1-30 14:56 | 只看该作者
我家一直用rogers的手机,感觉很好呀,我2月要回国,打电话给他们,rogers 给我免了50元月租费,很开心。+ {7 t+ G7 N8 z/ ]4 F) S" d
请大家无论任何事找rogers,买手机,更改服务,都打中文服务电话18008289828,很方便,态度也很好,你的合理要求都可以满足,我已经申请把家庭电话bell改成rogers,理由很简单,bell 没有中文服务,所以我不用,希望大家购物时,多多使用中文,不仅自己方便,也可以为同胞多增加工作机会。
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 楼主| 发表于 2008-1-30 20:07 | 只看该作者
Post by littlebear01
# y0 x! b0 H4 W" r7 Y) K' l what i'm saying with all this is that big companies like rogers and bell don't really care about losing 1-2 clients. they could easily make incredible offers to attract new people and they still can monopolize the market.
7 i1 e$ A" T; E* Y
对,所以我才要转FIDO。。" c8 c  |! Z, ~  C$ q2 t5 x8 a
) Z, n0 O. p; K6 K# o
-Do The Right Thing-
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 楼主| 发表于 2008-1-31 19:36 | 只看该作者
3 `- i  N0 _* x0 H & _! V) X. h4 T9 Z1 S% n% k% q# k
各个手机服务商都涨价了; h; q# [6 a( o, c% A. M9 \

% s1 G$ V) g- z9 o2月初开始,call display 好像涨到9刀了2 A0 y! T/ n7 t& \
  D* e' k" V& t6 x8 [6 \6 i
然后国际短信从0.20一条涨到了0.25一条; o2 i4 Z1 j4 \' ?% x  h9 o
4 g  g; Z/ w8 `/ I& @& P& ~
8 X! A: P1 ^* W3 t" d% ~/ o* C" ]! n还有411也涨价了
6 W& C3 i- g9 Q. S  i # d; T( ^: u  r, W0 Q
-Do The Right Thing-
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发表于 2008-1-31 20:40 | 只看该作者
Rogers: The price for Call Display will be changing to $7 as of February 5, 2008. The price change will affect customers who already subscribe to Call Display on March 4.$ ^8 t! ^* C  C$ b- z5 |
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发表于 2008-2-5 15:22 | 只看该作者

Office de la protection du consommateur

They will help you with complaint.  When experienced difficulties with Rogers,  I transfered to Bell. good luck!
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发表于 2008-2-18 22:19 | 只看该作者
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