波兰餐厅 - Restaurant Masurka, Prince Arthur 更新
Below was written in March 2008. Try their "Meat Combo" or "Vegetarian Combo" under SPECIALS page in menu, today's price:
- Mon-Fri before 17:00 ~$8.75+TT,
- Mon-Fri after 17:00, $10.25+TT,
- Sat/Sun/Holidays, lunch=dinner=$11.25 +TT
另外 :
1. The have a ~special plate for ~$16-17, kind of samples of everything.
2. 波兰的 Pierogi 很像中国的饺子
3. 超市特价时 (PA+IGA in downtown),冻结的 Pierogi 约 $2.5-$3/一包(=一磅)。
4. MP Fusion (8) - Pierogi (东欧人的饺子) @ http://sinoquebec.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=603284
5. MP Fusion (6) - Bigos (波兰国菜 - 猎人的炖混肉大朵烩) @ http://sinoquebec.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=561450
Post by montrealpost;1801882
Mazurka - 64 rue prince arthur est, (514) 844-3539, CANNOT bring your wine.
不是十分高级的波兰菜,但许多波兰人去那里,因为波兰同乡会 在对面。有时候 你在外面 没见人,但总 在店内 见到几个 圆圆矮矮 的第一代波兰移民。 Try their Beet Soup, not bad!
Look for the page where [color="Red"]SPECIALS are = soup + main plate +coffee (no dessert)
Sorry, price just increased:
- M-F before 17:00 ~$8.75+TT,
- M-F after 17:00, $9.75+TT,
- Sat/Sun/Holidays, lunch=dinner=$10.75 +TT |