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发表于 2008-3-24 22:44 | 只看该作者
Post by john88

CNN声明This is not a scientific poll
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 楼主| 发表于 2008-3-24 22:44 | 只看该作者
Post by john88


他们敌视中国达到了丧心病狂的程度。 cnn的投票一定是抵制奥运占多数了。
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发表于 2008-3-24 22:53 | 只看该作者
Post by 一心

他们敌视中国达到了丧心病狂的程度。 cnn的投票一定是抵制奥运占多数了。
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发表于 2008-3-24 22:54 | 只看该作者
Post by 2009wahaha
其实呢, 最有效的办法, 是将这几个破网站黑了! 插满无星红旗, 和西藏农奴主剥奴隶人皮做成鼓皮的照片, 等等, 等等, 让正常人看了就想吐, 变态看了就兴奋的照片或图画什么的, 告诉他们, 再扯淡, 俺们再黑它! SINO上有这样的高手吗:confused:
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发表于 2008-3-24 23:00 | 只看该作者

kmkm.JPG (0 Bytes, 下载次数: 84)

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发表于 2008-3-24 23:05 | 只看该作者
Post by 一心
这cnn太缺德了。 我第一次投票前先看投票结果,然后选No 即不抵制北京奥运,



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发表于 2008-3-24 23:16 | 只看该作者


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发表于 2008-3-25 02:08 | 只看该作者


读了Gazette体育栏目专栏作家Jack  Todd三月24日号召抵制奥运会的文章,很不爽!写了一封信给他本人和报社,跟大家分享。有谁愿意写的,接着写。

Mr. Todd,

Your editorial on March 24th calling for boycotting Beijing Olympic Games caught my attention, and I am greatly disappointed by the ignorance and irresponsibility demonstrated by the media on issues of Tibet in China recently. Comments like yours is ruining your credibility as professional journalist.

You have failed to get the simple fact straight to start with, when you say to the Chinese government "stop the killing in Tibet". The recent killings in Tibet are brutal and senseless and are nothing short of violent crimes, and the simple fact is, these killings are committed by a group of mobs in Tibet targeting innocent people wanting to enjoy peaceful life in Tibet like you and your family members do in Canada.

Somehow, and sadly, this simple fact is largely ignored by medias in the West like you. Your obvious bias makes these mobs and murders victims of oppression, instead of subject of law and justice. How ironic, when Chinese enforcing law and order, "it chills the soul to think of what is happening to those who are caught". I thought you would want China to be a society of law and order just like it is in Canada. Shall I, an immigrant from outside Canada like your ancestor, remind you what happened here in Quebec in the 1970 October Crisis? Does Front de libération du Québec ring a bell? Was there national army deployed by then Prime Minister Trudeau in Quebec and in Ottawa? Did Trudeau say: "Just watch me"?

I can go on to proof to you how messed up the media in the West is with the facts in Tibet. There are Youtub clips showing them and you can just google it. I just watched Mike Duffy Live showing a clip of Nepali (Nepal is a nation adjacent to China and India, so that you know) police force breaking up pro-Tibetan independence demonstrators during his interview with Chinese Ambassador at CTV tonight. To an outside eye, it is very easy to mistake it as the Chinese force is "crushing" on Tibetans. I can't believe Mike Duffy could made such a simple and stupid mistake!

However, this is not the point I want to make to you here. I am writing to you because I realized the modern life style in our society has forced us to shorten the attention span to be more efficient. It is perfectly understandable for a seasoned sport columnist like you to spend maybe 30 minutes a year on issues like Tibet and China, and think you've got the clue to start commenting on it, and make yourself sound righteous. I bet you all want to be righteous. But don't forget, sounding righteous does not make you truthful and fair! When you deviate from the truth, righteous is nothing but pretentious.

Kind regards,

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发表于 2008-3-25 02:31 | 只看该作者
Quick Vote

  cnnad_createAd("542759","http://ads.cnn.com/html.ng/site=cnn&cnn_position=126x31_spon9&cnn_rollup=homepage&page.allowcompete=yes&params.styles=fs","31","126"); cnnad_registerSpace(542759,126,31);   

   Should the Olympics in China be boycotted?
   Yes 54%    39722              No 46%    33547                  Total Votes: 73269

童鞋们,天涯正在攻打cnn, 瞬间就no

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发表于 2008-3-25 03:23 | 只看该作者

给CTV Mike Duffy的信

Dear Mike,

I'm one of those millions of audience of your program at CTV.  I hold you high in my heart as I thought you represent truthfulness and impartiality.  But this time, Mike, you let me down.

It was a confusing clip of video you played of police force breaking up Tibetan demonstrators, during your interview with the Chinese Ambassador on March 24th in your Mike Duffy Live.  

May I ask you, what was the relevance of that particular clip with the Chinese Ambassador and Tibet in China?  What was the point you wanted to bring to your audience with that?  To any eye from outside China viewing your program, the clip tells them  that the Chinese is using force to "crush" Tibetan demonstrators (and I suspect this is the point you want to tell them too).  If this is the case, then, unfortunately, you might have just made a mistake.  A mistake, inevitably but understandably,  can be made by anyone who spend maybe not more than 30 minutes a year looking at the issues like Tibet and China, and trying to make a point.  The video clip you are showing is Nepali police rounding up Tibetan demonstrators, if you can verify the source of that.  To me, what you are doing is like accusing Obama a murder while showing clips of O.J.'s trial. I think you should at least clarify the fact to your audience.  If it is not the case, then, I think you are in for a bigger mistake.

Mike, I, being a Chinese ethnic, have long sensed a strong inclination of media in the West being irresponsible and ignorant on many issues like wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and the emergence of new economic power like China.  The recent incident in Tibet and China is another classic case for West media hypocrisy and ignorance. I don't know if you had lived through the October Crisis in 1970 in Quebec. I don't know what's your view on the FLQ.  But that should draw you a parallel.

Today, on this issue of Tibet and China, all media in the West want to be righteous, and they all truly sound righteous.  They are so deep in their self-righteousness that they've lost the fundamental of professional journalism.  Being righteous does not make you truthful and fair!  Righteousness without being truthful is nothing short of pretentiousness. I sure don't want to see you Mr. Duffy jumping on that bandwagon, you should know better! Hope you hear from you to help me continue my faith in you.

Kindly yours,
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