Post by PPPP1
In the leaflet, it lists Optra 2005, but mine is Optra 2007:confused:
also this morning i've checked my car, on the wiper blades there are some numbers, it seems like i should take, 23(driver side) 16(passenage side) and 8(rear window), but i dont know if it is correct. because the rear one seems like longer than 8".
and i dont have a ruler to measure it.
god damn GM and that fucking dealer sold me a discontinued car
Post by super777
给你个最终答复把,通常大家去买雨刷,都是看好雨刷牌子,然后找自己的车型号,年代,对应的driver,passenger,rear .因为每个牌子对于同一款车可能有上下1'的差别, 其实差不多,cannadian tire,通常有电子的,或者书一样的list可以查,实在不行告诉店员让他们找,最后也是最简单的办法,就是先拆下你的3个雨刷,拿到店里比较长度,长度一样即可.