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发表于 2008-4-25 22:57 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
本人想学习Vanier college的幼儿教育专业,请问过来人,就业前景如何,蒙城的英语幼儿园是否很少。
发表于 2008-4-28 11:17 | 只看该作者
You can easily find a job with a poor salary. I used to work in CPE( publie day care), but I quitte.
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发表于 2008-4-28 15:38 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2008-4-28 17:49 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2008-4-29 14:07 | 只看该作者
The salary is from about 13$ an hour. Every year, it will be increased about 40 to 50 cents if there is a union in the day care. In the private day care, usually, the salary is lower. Working with kids is very taugh. I simply could not afford it physically so I quit two years ago. By the way, I got my diploma -a certificat of early childhood education in UQAM two years ago which was a part-time program and it costed me two years to finish it.
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发表于 2008-5-23 14:15 | 只看该作者
Post by franklion555
The salary is from about 13$ an hour. Every year, it will be increased about 40 to 50 cents if there is a union in the day care. In the private day care, usually, the salary is lower. Working with kids is very taugh. I simply could not afford it physically so I quit two years ago. By the way, I got my diploma -a certificat of early childhood education in UQAM two years ago which was a part-time program and it costed me two years to finish it.

魁大有两个幼儿教育专业:Certificat en éducation à la petite enfance (formation initiale)和
Certificat en éducation à la petite enfance (perfectionnement), 你读的是那个?
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发表于 2008-9-21 22:32 | 只看该作者
这俩又什么区别吗  需读多少时间
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