Post by 金圣叹 5 n* a3 L5 D4 W
蒙特利尔是弱势群体的天堂,天上不断地掉馅饼给他们。。。 6 x; N7 ~( ]7 N$ y/ t( q / @5 K ]1 Z5 M你?你就是那个发馅饼的人。。。而且往往是你税前4万的人在养税后4万的人。。。6 ]7 }2 I; G. J0 s% b
+ L* S3 _1 Q" r6 P7 y
你的痛苦,正是别人的快乐之源,而且那些人其实税后收入很可能比你高很多。你不看开点,很容易崩溃的哟……! X s2 d1 O; G6 R; | F) |" d
% v' M! k' z# f L5 [3 l5 j0 R
% z+ R6 M: ^% V0 O
Totally wrong. People earning more pay more tax than people earning less so that the former will never get benifits from the latter, but the reverse.: f! m0 V2 b+ A1 U
. m# v. `. l; x0 Y3 \8 a& L+ l& }Agree with you in that Qebec is a place for lazy bones, maybe that's why its tax is so high. As a consequence, people become even lazier. : X' a( K2 H5 Z0 h8 x- P& C- s- V3 b( ` [+ i, E! \" _" j% A
To my experience in Montreal, it's not bad at all as long you get a decent job (This is true no matter where you are.) though I don't know French at all! English is the only language you should know.
Post by chaser 4 g6 j7 b0 B; i
Totally wrong. People earning more pay more tax than people earning less so that the former will never get benifits from the latter, but the reverse. $ t0 F! @" S) `! m, x8 Y% {5 u: h $ L& r1 i! u1 C/ Q6 lAgree with you in that Qebec is a place for lazy bones, maybe that's why its tax is so high. As a consequence, people become even lazier., W5 n. n; R9 I
! d3 G& S! f% j7 fTo my experience in Montreal, it's not bad at all as long you get a decent job (This is true no matter where you are.) though I don't know French at all! English is the only language you should know.
: T- A% X6 f( g9 }: }2 Z
妹妹,是我不好,没说明白。 % y5 M& u, `" T& M / e- ?/ b5 @9 w' {
现在流行年薪3万多的台底工作,加上鹅毛大雪一样的惊人福利,叠起来4万有余,一分钱都不用交,这才是我所指的--税后4万。 / H$ B/ Z; N# l; O * R3 ~5 y' l/ {4 g; \2 ?罗丹说:“不是缺少美,而是缺少发现。”+ Z! R2 m& p) ]4 C5 p0 W7 U
3 L: E2 j5 Z/ i, H% Y# c
有个疑惑:缴税多少和养老金之类的福利有多大关系? 难不成缴不缴税都没任何区别的么?6 v/ x) r. Z# v/ ]9 }) x4 c
Post by shimly 4 X: V* N% B( g$ W4 N. b 6 J; ]( d$ N$ S. t# V这里的税高也是被逼无奈,很多人(比如医生)一个人交的税抵得上一家的福利,但纳税光荣 5 c4 ~1 _; D7 R/ p. R7 q2 k加不加班其实税后差不了多少,换作是你,会加么?(当然他们不加等于给我们提供了就业机会)